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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAMI in various situations with business people. I was going down these alleys and backstreets in the old town. In the last bit we were on this roof. Someone said we have just started these new vets and we had no idea how we would pay them. They had just gone on a raid to save some animals and thats where they were now. They were going down. I was scared of the heights and to get down I would have to jump on this ladder and avoid a huge fall. It was almost impossible for me
THE REALITY The day before the dreamer had met some young people who were setting up in business. He was usually very anxious meeting with people who he felt out of place with. He was very uncomfortable having to talk with people he felt completely out of his depth with.
THE INTERPRETATION If you are scared in a dream then it will usually reflect some real life fear. The day before this dream the dreamer felt out of his depth meeting some people who were about to set up in business. Since the dream also features businessmen then it seems likely that the dream was about this situation.
Symbolic Meanings
HEIGHTS :"Heights often link to fears in real life - the dreamer was scared to mix with some business people the day before"
BUSINESS TYPES:"This was a literal symbol as the dreamer had been mixing with some people about to set up in business."
IMPOSSIBLE :"The dreamer had felt an identical emotion the day before as he was mixing with people whom he felt completely out of his depth with. The situation was impossible for him"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I hate meeting people I feel out of depth with. I have a "lot of sympathy for these young business types I met yesterday as they are involved in a worthy cause. Yet I do not like mixing with them"
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Dream about whale attack
Snake threatening me dream
War zone dream
Dream about buying a computer
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
Dream symbolism - intimidating man
Mother warning - dream analysis
Sisters loft - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
Wild animals charging - dream analysis
Iraq dream
King in a contest dream
Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
Dream symbolism - steal from tutor
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
Ghost in Haunted Apartment
Discussion and baby dream interpretation
Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
Falling from great height dream
dead body and sailing ship - dream interpretation
Huge mansion and criminal gambler dream symbolism
Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
A dream with deceased family members
Dream about a drunken promise
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at