dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was sleeping in my bed with my new boyfriend. The bed in my dream was exactly my bed, same covers, same room etc. It felt like it was really happening. I felt something under the covers at the foot of my bed and couldn’t figure out what it was. I reached under the covers and felt a little body like a baby; but as I felt around more, this little baby had a tail. I pulled the baby out from under the covers and it was a devil! A devil was in my bed!

THE REALITY The day before the dreamer was extremely stressed and feeling guilty. She had recently left her husband of 28 years. She had fooled around and fell in love with another man. Her husband was not such a great partner but he was a financial success. She was wondering if she had made the right choice and was feeling guilty for hurting her ex and her teenage children.

THE INTERPRETATION If we have been upset the day before a dream then any dreams we have will generally link in some way to that situation. By studying such dreams we can start to see just how the mind works. The theory being that something truly big happened the day before then surely any dream would be about this major subject. We can start to understand the way dreams work. We may not always be right but at least we maybe able to guess correctly the subject the dream is dealing with.

This dream seems easily explained. It deals with a transformation within the dreamers thoughts. At first she felt in love and now she feels some doubts. The bay is at first fresh and new(faultless). later it has a tail and is a devil. This clearly mirrors the transformation in her own thoughts. The relationship she just started was now not so rosey as once first thought.

The devil could be easily explained symbolically. Perhaps it symbolizes her own temptations. That she has given in to base desires and been selfish. Its her own judgement on herself.

Symbolic Meanings
BABY : "Something new and fresh - her newly found love affair"
BABY HAS TAIL: "That newly found love affair is now transforming into something not so good."
DEVIL : "The dreamers guilt. She had given into her own temptations and acted selfishly"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I felt extremely guilty yesterday. Maybe I have made the wrong decision. I simply gave into my feelings of love. I should have acted more responsibly and less selfishly"

See how the symbolic meanings capture the dreamers feelings from the night before

This was a nightmare dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• baby devil in bed dream
• Dream - my son with snakes everywhere
• Dream - running from terrorist
• Dream about mutant people.
• Baby girl dream
• My mother is dying dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - killing poor little dog
• Dream - creepy invisible demon
• Dream analysis - daughter gets out of shower naked but happy with fiance
• Dream symbols - bitten by dog in school yard
• Dream - emperor chased by his victims
• Screaming devil dream
• Dream about getting the blame.
• Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
• Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
• A dream interpretation about an orca being thrown on shore
• premonition or coincidence?
• Pain and crying climbing mountain dream interpretation
• Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
• Dream dictionary - worried about boy
• Late for work - dream interpreting
• Evil spirit takes over my body dream
• Execution dream
• Attractive older man - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com