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THE DREAM I was preparing for exams. When the exams finished I was talking with people about how they had done. I had not done well and said it was too difficult. I mentioned about a memory when I was at school about how the exam was too difficult. An exam should be a fair test. The students from the year before had an exam and virtually everyone failed. I was then talking with one student who had been a high achiever back at school. I asked her how she had done - I wanted to compare how I had done and how she had done. She did not reply. I then talked with the modulator and said that I would probably fail. She looked at my notes and seemed impressed and I said I would probably need a few more weeks to prepare. I had tried my best but could not cope with the sheer workload. I was then near where my childhood home with my best friend from school and said "Eggs". I remembered I needed to buy eggs. My best friend said "I know where to buy eggs".
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer had been going through a hard time. He had retired and was still trying to stay active. The day before he had done very well and was feeling a lot more confident in achieving success at his hobby. However, he was noticing how he was how capable he was coping with pressure. He also felt that he was relating to people better than usual.
The day before he had tried to buy eggs and the place in the store where he usually bought eggs from was filled with other products and there was a notice up saying that they were having trouble supplying eggs.
THE INTERPRETATION We often get dreams which assess and describe how we are doing in real life. This dream seems to be about how the dreamer felt he was doing and how this compared to others. In the dream he compares how he was doing now and how this compared to his ability to achieve when he was young.
Dreams should be translated into a quote which sums up the meaning - this dream captures this following thought "I have been struggling for years but yesterday I was a lot more productive. I feel more confident but I know I cannot cope with the pressure in the way I could when I was young. I need to work harder. Perhaps any recent failures should not be judged too harshly as these had not been a fair test."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at