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THE DREAM we are performing on the stage. we have been preparing for that stage for more than half year.
however, I don't know the choreography. I am the only one who doesn't know what to dance. my time is coming up. I feel quite anxious because I don't know the dance I need to dance.
Sometimes, I go on the stage without knowing anything. so I try to follow everybody's movement by looking and following but it was very difficult. I was so ashamed and panicked on the stage, very eager to follow everyone, which is not working. the light from the ceiling is so bright that I could not even my eyes properly. it is fatal mistake if we do it in our real performance.
I am so panicked and I usually wake up then and feel relieved that it was not real life.
It is already 10 years after I quite ballet. but it seems like trauma through ballet school is still affecting my real life.
GUESSWORK The dreamer had just come back to Korea from Bali. She enjoyed the atmosphere in Indonesia where she felt so free and everyone seems to like each other. The dreamer feels as if she does not fit into the highly economic culture of Korea. Whilst at Ballet school it was highly regimented and with the standards of beauty they all believed that they were ugly when in fact they were all beautiful girls. It was highly competitive and many rooms were filled with mirrors.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The dream takes the dreamer back to an unhappy time. It will represent a current situation which brings back such feelings. One major new feeling was that the dreamer had come back from Bali to Korea. This was a completely different atmosphere. Korea is highly competitive and oppressive which was how the dreamer feels about Korea.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers dislike of her home country of Korea. The dream deals with the following themes
- an unpleasant and competitive atmosphere
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I have just come back from Bali and its such a contrast. Now I am thrown right back into the competitive culture of Korea. Bali respects the individual and everyone seems to like everyone else."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at