dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was in a bedsit which I used to live in. People kept coming in without asking or knocking. I felt really invaded and intruded upon. They were various different people. Some were quite nice and pleasant people but they kept coming in - everyone who came in was an intruder. The place seemed very untidy and badly looked after.

GUESSWORK: The dreamer had been living in a care home and every night the staff had been coming into his room checking up on him. He felt intruded upon in the same way as the dream. He realised that he had started falling into bad habits and was becoming very untidy.

THE ANALYSIS: This dream seems highly linked to the dreamers personality and it seems to play out this exact thought - "I really hate been checked up on every night. It is highly intrusive. However, I realise that I need help because I am starting to fall back into my old habits".

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Seduction - dream analysis
• Must save myself in a tidal wave - dream analysis
• End of the world - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - panic whilst cross bridge
• Terrorists dream
• Little boy with no name
• Porn dream - a psychological analysis
• Teeth like chalk crumble - dream analysis
• Snake chasing me dream
• Dream about a swaying skyscraper
• Dream symbolism - French oral exam
• London dream
• Eating crocodile - dream analysis
• Dream about avoiding people
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
• Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
• Military and christmas day - army take over task
• Poisonous Gas
• Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
• Frog smiles on lilly pad - dream interpretation
• Shark threatening - dream interpretation
• Chip shop and art teacher - dream interpretation
• A dream interpretation about washing machines
• Married to a cactus - dream interpretation
• No anxiety underwater dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com