Personality dreams
Distraction dreams
Previous day dreams
Creative dreams
Emotional dreams
Health dreams
Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
Reflective dreams
Premonition dreams
Reheasal dreams
Next day dreams
Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM There was this business woman there. She seemed to have the same illness as me.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer had been trying to think about practical ways in which to deal with the illnesses he suffered from. He was starting to act in a more organised and efficient way. The dreams meaning is given away by the fact that the dreamer had the same illness as the business woman. It's the dreams way of saying that the dream is about his illness. Dreams often capture changes in our health or personality. Many people dreams link to long term illnesses. That is true but dreams tend to link to our long term illnesses in the context of the present. The dream then captures this thought "I am starting to cope better with my illnesses - I am much more efficient and organised".
This was a health dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Race dream analysis
Rats and mice - dream symbolism
Baby growing after end of world dream
Football dream analysis
Cliff edge dream
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Violence dream
Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
Dream - King has died
Going too far - dream symbolism
What does it mean - helping disabled dream
Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
Blood in the penis dream
Plane crash - dream analysis
Jumping off a hill dream
An old wives tale about fish dreams
I dreamt I was in a psychiatric hospital
A dream about getting old and incapable
Dream symbols - surgeon operating on penis
Fear of crossing - premonitions
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Police and riots - dream symbolism
Forest dies dream
Feeling marginalised - dream dictionary
A dream about being urinated on by a bully
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at