Personality dreams
Distraction dreams
Previous day dreams
Creative dreams
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Health dreams
Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
Reflective dreams
Premonition dreams
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Next day dreams
Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM There was some sort of stage performance. I was saying how good they were. It appeared to be some characters from Coronation street.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The day before the dreamer had been with his family. The dreamers grandmother was always wanting to watch soap operas and this got on the nerves of the other family members. One mentioned "Coronation Street" in a sarcastic way but the dreamer replied "it's not that bad".
Dreams are often about little things like these. In this case the dream was about the Grandmother's control over the TV remote. Such an issue was fresh in the mind of the dreamer and is much more important than some personality issue from years ago. Detailed analysis of hundreds of dreams has shown that their causes are in the here and now, often relating to seemingly trivial issues.
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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Dream symbolism - police shooting
Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
Accusing woman dream
Embarrassed dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at