dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was at a cricket match and they were trying to do some big hitting. They were trying to get ridiculous amounts of runs. There was two players who got 1000 runs. Then there were bowlers who were batting and they hit some big shots. It was exciting watching this.

THE REALITY The dreamer had been preoccupied with work and had been trying to increase the amounts of reports he was writing. Cricket is often a way of symbolising big numbers as cricket scores are over a hundred usually .. So cricket was a symbol for him wanting to write more reports. Instead of saying "I want to write more reports" he dreamt about people trying to score more runs in cricket. The dream also features the word exciting and that was maybe a symbol for the dreamer wanting to write reports which were interesting and exciting.

CRICKET SCORE: I want to write large numbers of reports at work
EXCITING: The dreamer wanted to write reports which were interesting

Dream meaning. If you weave together the various associations and symbolic meanings the dream captures this feeling - "I want to write more reports at work and want to make the reading of them more interesting"

This was a project dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Paul MacCartney Yesterday - creative dream
• Dream interpretation - failing university
• Robot drives car dream
• Dream interpretation - neglected babies
• Multi-storey car park dream
• Mathmatician dreams of calculations
• Tartinis devils sonata dream
• Conceptual thinking dream
• Snake farm
• Dream - Real Madrid football stadium
• Lionel Blair dream
• Winning battle dream
• Epic battle dream
• Artist uses creative dreams for inspiration
• Kinky realtor dream
• Decorating for the Queen dream
• Crazy Horses dream about fighting the white men
• Dream symbol - upside down helicopter
• Incubated dream
• Dream symbols - mansion and Elizibethan ghosts
• Film review dream
• Farm and plants - dream interpretation
• Dream - new route not so steep
• Big project - dream interpretation
• Fixing canal - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com