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DREAM - Dying in a tornado. I "woke up" to a horrifying roar of wind. I looked up on the hill outside my window. My room being where my work actually is and not a few blocks away. I saw a tornado coming up over the hill, quite large. My phone rang, which I answered and it was my mother crying. I told her not to worry, the hill was large enough to distrust the tornado, that I would be okay. But instead the tornado plowed down the hill. It picked up most of the apartment including me. There was a feeling of vertigo before I slammed into the ground, where I laid agonizing pain, slowly dying as things faded to black. (this dream was posted on on Janucan ary 27, 2013)
THE REALITY Someone had stolen a laptop from the store where the dreamer worked. This put the dreamer into a rage for the rest of the day because the dreamer had been helping them. He felt guilty for the rest of the day. If something big happens to you the previous day then it will almost certainly trigger a dream. It is just a matter of decoding the dream symbols. A tornado is an excellent metaphor for the spin that the dreamer was put into. Anger and rage are the words in reality that the tornado symbolises. The tornado hits the dreamer directly which is symbolic of the theft affecting him directly leaving him with feelings of guilt. The dream therefor be translated into the following real life quote - "They stole a laptop. I feel guilty because I was helping them in the store. I ended up in a terrible rage". The meaning of the dream is simply found in the key background information.
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at