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DREAM - Electric power I was in some kind of aircraft and we were going near to some electric power lines. We went near the source of the power lines to some kind of power station. We were flying awfully close to the power lines.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The very next morning the dreamer woke up and there was a power cut. Power cuts happen very infrequently where the dreamer lives. The dreamer was worried that the power cut was something to do with some building work nearby. This was causing the dreamer extreme anxiety. The dreamer thought this was a premonition because dreams about electricity happen very infrequently. It was too much of a coincidence. In addition the dream involves going close to power lines and if that happens it will bring down the power supply.
This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
General in charge - dream analysis
White doves - dream analysis
Psychic dream of grandmothers illness
Shooting a lion - dream dictionary
Car crash premonitions
Electricity power dream
Mother not look after kids - dream analysis
Psychic dream of neighbour moving
Mother asks for help - dream analysis
In wheelchair and cold bath - dream interpreting
Psychic dream of cousin crossing road
premonition of a good day ahead
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Little brothers voice - dream analysis
Dark figure surrounds me in woods - dream analysis
Psychic dream - Afghanistan helicopter went down
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
Psychic dream of crush getting married
Psychic dream - brother is annoying
Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
Brother falling - dream symbolism
Nail hanging off in pain - Precognitive dream
Psychic dream - brother in trouble
Dream of death which could be a premonition
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at