dream analysis study

THE DREAM: I was in the town centre and I saw someone I haven't seen for some time. I walked past him hoping he would see me but he didn't (his name is Rob). I was then in a department store and was trying to steal a horse racing paper. I was doing this bit by bit but I was sure that people were sure what I was doing. Then I was in a different part of the department store trying to steal an outfit. The department store seemed to be Marks and Spencer and the clothes I was stealing were quite expensive as I normally shop in cheaper stores or online. I then realised that the shop was checking people as they left and I was aware that the security tags were still on the clothes. So I decided not to try sneaking out.

GUESSWORK The dreamer was trying to set up a website. It wasn't getting any hits and he needed a way of promoting it. The day before he had joined a forum and thought he could place a link to his website every time he posted. He thought this might annoy the people who ran his forum as they do not like blatant spamming. One association concerns the horse racing newspaper. The dreamer had been interested in horse racing in his youth and had tried to be very systematic in his approach to betting.

THE ANALYSIS So the basic theme of the dream matches very well with reality as in both he was trying to get away with something that he shouldn't do. Shoplifting was a symbol for the blatant promoting. The dreamer realised that he would have to post only when he could add some good knowledge. So he was not really getting something for nothing. He warning himself against sneakily promoting his website.

STEALING: The dreamer was wanting to get something for nothing by spamming his website with very little effort
SHOPPING: Shopping is a symbol for the dreamer looking out to acquire the things that he wanted - in this case the wish to promote his website.
AWARE: The dreamer was aware what he was doing and knew he would have to promote his website with care.
SNEAKY: This was the exact same thought the dreamer had in real life. He wanted to "sneakily" promote his website.
ROB: This was another symbol for stealing as rob is short for Robbery.

DREAM MEANING: The dream captures this exact thought - "I want to promote my website. I have found this forum where I might be able to spam. But I realise now that I will have to post only when I have some knowledge to contribute to the discussions. It will be hard work and I will not be able to get something for nothing. I will not be able to post sneakily whilst promoting my website."

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream about whale attack
• Wedding dress stain - dreams symbolism
• Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
• Snake threatening me dream
• Dream - angry man at aqueduct
• Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
• Dream - unintelligible drunken crow
• A marriage dream - a psychological analysis
• Waiter who is my boyfriend - dream analysis
• Dirty pond - dream analysis
• Community leader and snake - dream interpretation
• Story about a shark dream
• Presidential power dream
• Sisters loft - dream analysis
• chased up a tree by an alligator dream
• Iraq dream
• Scared of huge wave - Dream
• Missile from outer space dream
• paracetamol overdose dream
• Fruit shop - dream interpretation
• Swapping positions - dream analysis
• Little and large song - music in dreams
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Basic training - dream analysis
• Demand expenses - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com