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THE DREAM: I was in a street, looking at a house - it was a beautiful and luxurious ranch house. Across the street there was a kind of modern or non-denominational church. People start gathering late afternoon outside the church. A pretty woman, very well dress came out of the house cross the street and went to the church, follow by her sister. They were sun tanned color, excellent body, pretty, but not with soft beauty in their face. Their nose was like the one of John Lennon, more pointing, almost like a witch. People, including the women, entered the church for service. It was night already and suddenly I saw one thief entering the women’s house in the illuminated street and climbed the walls like a cat, one more appeared or maybe three of them. They got inside the house but suddenly left the house like running away from something, like fleeing a good alarm system, in the run away, they left a powerful hand-crafted grenade in the sidewalk (I don’t see a reason to leave that explosive outside the house, but just the sake of doing a damage) it was about to explode in seconds. I tried to avoid the explosion, thinking that I would take out the detonator stream, I did not touch the grenade, and I kept the distance hoping that no one will get hurt. Time to call 911, I told myself, and hoping again no one will get close, and all the sudden I saw my 4 years boy passing by, but it was my 9 yrs daughter that got close by looking the grenade out of her curiosity due to some sparkly detonator. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, I told myself in the dream and run towards her and I wake up.
THE REALITY The dreamer was separated from his wife for more than a year and they had two children. He had not been pursuing a partner, so far, hoping that he would be able to fix their problems but with no success. All the sudden a few days before the dreamer came in contact with a former girlfriend that wounded him in the past. They really loved each other but they were immature and irresponsible. The dreamer cheated on her even though he loved her.
Dreams are often short stories which capture our emotions and key feelings at the time. Dreams about relationships will often not feature the person we are dreaming about, the only way we can tell that the dream is about that person is because it features identical emotions. It is likely that this dream captures this feeling "My ex girlfriend has got in touch with me. I am determined that if we get back together then I will make sure it does not affect my children, particularly my daughter." The grenade is a symbol not of explosives but of the bombs which could go off in the dreamers relationship with his children. So the dream was about the dreamer putting his children as top priority.
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at