Personality dreams
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Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
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Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I am walking inside my local library. As I walk a friend from the past said hello to me. I made a point of talking to him because I liked him. He had mental health problems like myself. He was determined to show as much respect as possible. (IRL This friend had started talking about sexually explicit urges to complete strangers. This had led to a shocking transformation in his personality. He had turned from a completely normal youth into a sexual pest.)
BACKGROUND INFO The friend in this dream had mental health problems. The last time the dreamer had seen him he had caused someone to complain about him. He had been in the library and had been making some extremely explicit comments to another user. The dreamer had not seen this friend for years and there had been a massive change in his personality. He had been affected by drug related problems which had completely changed him. The dreamer was completely shocked at the transformation in him.
The dreamer was living in a shared home and was having problems with a fellow female resident. He had developed extremely explicit sexual thoughts about this woman. He was trying to avoid her and keep to himself because this woman had got involved with another man. The dream then could be linked to this situation. Dreams can often link to problems in the past which have relevance in the present. The dreamers explicit sexual thoughts were similar to his friends incident when he spoke explicitly to a woman he did not know at all. The dreamer was not saying sexually explicit things but he was thinking them. The woman he was attracted to was confused about his behaviour.
The dream then captures this thought - "I am having sexual fantasies about this woman who lives in the same home as me. I cannot block out these urges. My behaviour is odd and confusing but I cannot help these repressed sexual desires."
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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Show male friend to mother - dream analysis
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at