Personality dreams
Distraction dreams
Previous day dreams
Creative dreams
Emotional dreams
Health dreams
Relationship dreams
Change in Life dreams
Reflective dreams
Premonition dreams
Reheasal dreams
Next day dreams
Neural networks and dreams
Dream theory
Why is this the best dream site
Thetawaves and dreams
Dream studies
Sleep deprivation TV show
Dreams and TV
How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM The dream took place on a farm. There was a young foal there who I felt was vulnerable and in need of protection. There was also a stallion who was hard working, full of energy and very proud.
THE REALITY The dreamer believed this dream was linked to a situation the day before. He was living in a care home and his confidence was building up after a lifetime of severe mental health problems. He bumped into one of the staff and he spoke first. This was a breakthrough for him as he hardly ever spoke first because of his lack of confidence. The foal was a symbol of his vulnerability and his need for protection and support. He was a hard working and so these two horses could be symbols of his personality. The dream was very emotional so it maybe signifies an emotional feeling such as "I feel quite emotional and realise that my confidence has built up enough that I can now speak first whereas before I waited till I was spoken too".
Foal: The foal symbolised the need for support and protection.
DREAM MEANING: If you weave together the different symbolic meanings you find that it captures this type of thought "I felt confident enough to speak first to a staff member whereas previously I waited until I was spoken too. This made me feel good and it marks a breakthrough in my recovery as a person. It is all thanks to the help and support I have been getting."
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Walking in the dark dream
whale song - dream symbolism
Recurring demon dream
Feeding birds dream analysis
Tornado dream
Dream interpretation - jeep on highway
Warm blanket - dream analysis
Turning back the sands of time dream interpretation
Dream symbols - wanting to scream
Dream symbolism - gang rape
Happy whales - dream analysis
Meeting grandfather - dream dictionary
Flying down river - dream interpretation
My fathers head floating - dream symbolism
Travel alone dream
Horse without head - dream analysis
Gift dream
Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
Stone grave and dark sky - dream interpretation
My boyfriend has died dream
Dream - screaming at snake and knife
Bury ex - dream interpretation
Bleeding nightmare
I met my mum in my dreams
Dream - a beautiful view
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at