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THE DREAM I was with my best friend at school at his home. His mother and father were there. I am speaking like him in a north east accent but he is ignoring me and behaving in a way which was not friendly. I am also listening to a football commentary and cheering when my favourite team (Newcastle United) were doing well.
THE REALITY The dreamer had fallen asleep whilst listening to a football commentary of his favourite team (Newcastle United) were playing. Whilst he was asleep Newcastle scored an equaliser. So in part this was a distraction dream as the dreamer was listening to the football commentary as he slept.
In the dream the dreamer is with his best friend from school (who he had not seen for thirty years). In real life he had just formed a new friendship. He had helped her with some shopping on the internet. However, in the afternoon after the dream he had visited this new friend and had been hit with a barrage of complaints about the help he had given. So the dream could be described as a premonition because a friend was not acting like a friend and was showing a lack of gratitude for the help he had given. But the dreamer was also aware that this new friend could often be unpredictable and could be very direct and lacking in gratitude. So this could either be an intuition dream or a premonition.
Dreams often feature someone who does not symbolise the person in the dream. In this case a friend from years ago was a symbol for a new best friend. So the dream is a metaphor for a newly found friend who has all the same qualities that a friend should have.
Best Friend: The best friend symbolised a new friend(someone who was as good a friend as his friend from school)
Best friend not acting like a friend: In real life his new friend started acting in a way which was not very friendly.
DREAM MEANING: "I have a new friend but the afternoon after this dream she was not acting like a friend as she can be very unpredictable and lacking in gratitude".
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