dream analysis study

THE DREAM: I was thinking about giving someone a Paracetamol overdose and then blaming their death as a suicide. There was a feeling of conspiracy about the dream.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The dreamer had had a conversation with someone the day before about the war between Palestine and Israel. The dreamer was very pro Israel but did not like to publicise it for fear of being seen as anti Islamic. He concentrated on the fact that the Palestinians started the war. Suicide can often symbolise something which is suicidal or something which is absolutely stupid and bound to fail. So giving someone a Paracetamol overdose and saying that its suicide is like saying that they brought it on themselves and that it was very stupid thing to do. The dreamer was scared of being seen as very right wing so was subtle in his arguments. His anti Islamic arguments were something which he felt was a very risky thing to air.

BLAME: Israeli could blame a war on Palestine because they started it. Israel reacted in an excessive fashion but they still could say that it was stupid action by Palestinian terrorists which resulted in a massive wave of retaliation. So the dreamer could
OVERDOSE: The Paracetamol overdose is something which is bound to end in disaster - it was a suicidal act.
DEATH: Both the Palestinian and Israeli actions ended up with many deaths.
PARACETAMOL: A suicide using Paracetamol ends up in a very slow and painful end. This is symbolic of a very slow and painful defeat of the Palestinian militants.
SUICIDE: The actions of palestinian terrorists was bound to end up in failure - it was an act of suicide
CONSPIRACY: Conspiracy in dreams often links to something that we keep secret and in this case the dreamer was trying to hide his right wing views.

DREAM MEANING: The dream captures the following thought process within the dreamer - "The day before I was talking with a friend about the war in the Gaza strip. I always try not to sound too anti Palestine so I concentrated on the fact that Palestinian militants started the war and then they tried to complain that Israel were merely responding. The blame was firmly placed on the militants who did something stupid which was bound to end in disaster. It was an absolutely suicidal act. The fact is that I always side with the Israelis and look for any excuse to blame it on the Palestinian militants. The Israeli action was excessive and ended up in the deaths of many Palestinians but it was the Gaza militants own fault because they were to blame for starting the war. When I air my right wing views I try hide the extent of my support for controversial beliefs."

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Surrounded by wolves - dream analysis
• Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
• Deserted streets dream
• Young daughter raped - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - zombies chasing
• A dream about wolves forcing their way in
• Dirty pond - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
• Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
• Dream analysis - president has died
• Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
• Cave man dream
• Little and large song - music in dreams
• Lion sprinting dream
• Remote control - dream interpretation
• Family of whales - dream interpretation
• Chased by a dragon dream
• Crossgates - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - out of control
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
• Exploding buildings in Israel dream
• Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
• A dream with deceased family members
• Demand expenses - dream interpretation
• Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com