dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was stood against a wall and a bully from my school days was urinating on me from a great height. I hated it and was aware of the terrible smell caused by the urine. I was soaked.

THE REALITY The dreamer had started to experience leaks whilst he slept caused by a weak bladder. So being urinated on was an Obvious association with a weak bladder. The dream features a bully from the dreamers past so it seems to hint at the dreamers fear of being made fun of for having a weak bladder. Bullies humiliate their victims so maybe the dreamer fears his wetting the bed will humiliate him. The smell of urine suggests that this is what really upset the dreamer about having a weak bladder.

Bully: The dreamer feared being picked on in a bully type way if someone found out about his weak bladder. Bullies humiliate their victims so humiliation is the main fear of the dreamer about wetting the bed.
Smell: The dreamers main fear of the weak bladder was the problem of the smell it would cause.
DREAM MEANING: "I woke up after wetting myself and I feel humiliated because of the smell."

This was a health dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Race dream analysis
• Stuck on ridge dream
• Rats and mice - dream symbolism
• Depression dream - fighting
• Psychological study of a medication dream
• Feeling tired dream
• Study of terrorist dream
• Football dream analysis
• Dream symbolism about best friend from school
• Violence dream
• Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
• A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
• Dream - assessment by police and homeless officer
• Going too far - dream symbolism
• What does it mean - helping disabled dream
• Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
• Plane crash - dream analysis
• A dream about getting old and incapable
• Amazing Race dream
• A dream about a club which opened on a nighttime.
• Dream symbols - surgeon operating on penis
• Dream - stay disciplined soldier
• Dream interpretation - a cold house
• Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Feeling marginalised - dream dictionary

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com