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THE DREAM I was with President Bush, the second, and he was campaigning. I felt good towards him. I was explaining that I had to work within my limitations and that could not do something. He had a warm and endearing way about him. It was a nice dream.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer was making a website for a charity. He was being pressurised to do as much as possible by the chairman, who was trying to push the website all round the world. In real life the dreamer felt that George Bush was a very mediocre President at times made a total fool of himself. The night before the dream the dreamer felt that he was doing enough on this charity website. He was happy at just being mediocre - just like President Bush. Dreams will use people to represent the main qualities that they represent to the dreamer. The dream came just after the dreamer had been thinking about this website he was making - which is a key time period for triggering dreams. The dream therefor captures this thought "I am quite happy with a mediocre website. I have put a lot of effort into it but the chairman wants more."
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at