dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was watching this huge wheel rolling down a hill. It was moving in a very unpredictable and out of control way. I cannot remember many of the details of the dream but I think I tried to stop it.

THE REALITY The dreamer had a website which had previously not been doing well and hardly had any hits. Then the day before the dream it got lots of hits. However, the dreamer felt that there was something not right about this. He suspected that the hits were generated automatically by computer robots. He had felt very positive at first but later felt he should not get carried away by this seemingly positive turn of events.

THE INTERPRETATION Dreams will often link to big events from the day before. They are symbolic stories which capture key feelings. The wheel in the dream was moving with great momentum and so this was a symbol for the websites sudden increase in hits. The dream also captures the unpredictability of this change as he wishes to stop its progress. The dream then could link to this exact thought - "I am pleased about the sudden increase in hits with my website. However, I am not getting carried away with enthusiasm as I suspect it is a false increase generated by web robots."

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A dream where you are bitten by a snake
• Young daughter raped - dream analysis
• Stealing a cup dream
• Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
• Mick Jagger dream
• Dream symbolism - raped and bitten
• Mother warning - dream analysis
• My Father's Visit
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• Spilling urine - dream dictionary
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com