dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was in some kind of game. I realised it involved an element of competition. I was trying to think out the best strategy to win. At one point things changed and I realised I had taken on more than I thought I could cope with. The competition was being taken very seriously. There was something about a cake which someone else had made which looked flat and dull and I noticed that one of the ingredients was meat. This was a wedding cake and also involved was a need to take some sacred vows.

GUESSWORK: The dreamer was thinking about one thing the day before. He was making a website about psychic phenomena. He was in somewhat of a spiritual high. He had decided to make this website a lifelong goal. If your mind is focused on just one thing it is almost certain that any dreams you have will be about that subject.

THE ANALYSIS: The dream involves a wedding and vows. The wedding seems to be a symbol for the dreamers devotion to his website. The sacred vows linked to his own vows to make people aware of psychic phenomena. The competition in the dream was a symbol of the dreamers wish to make the psychic website the best - he was competing with other people and was also competing with himself to get the best out of his own abilities.

DREAM MEANING: If you weave the different symbolic meanings together you will find that the dream captures this thought - "I want my site to show people how psychic abilities are real. This is so important to me and I will devote the whole of my energies into teaching the importance of psychic and spiritual matters"

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• War zone dream
• Four brothers - dream analysis
• Sex with man I know - dream interpretation
• Wild Horses dream
• Top floor dream
• Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
• Dream interpretation about well made shirt
• Dream symbols - Raped by guys
• Dream - night garden and flowers that shine
• Dream symbolism - handling snake
• Daughter lost - dream analysis
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Terrible Nightmare
• Ghost in Haunted Apartment
• Discussion and baby dream interpretation
• Friend has a baby dream
• Dream analysis - Michael Moore
• Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
• Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
• Falling from great height dream
• Church basement dream dictionary
• Basic training - dream analysis
• Dream - sharks, vacation,husband,Russia, Kremlin and Russian
• Huge thrashing shark dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com