dream analysis study

THE DREAM: I was in some kind of shop or building and I was buying books. I bought six copies. I was then on a bus going around the sea front and around the Castle Hill Marine Drive. I managed to lose the books somewhere near where the Futurist theatre used to be (The Futurist was a large building which has been knocked down despite a public campaign to restore it to it's former glory). I tried to retrace my steps to find the books. There were two books - one was text and the other was photos. I was getting tired, frustrated and flustered. I was getting into a slight panic just like I often do nowadays as I cannot cope with long periods lacking concentration and energy.

THE REALITY: In real life the dreamer had just just gone on a website which he used to make. He had left the charity because of problems with one of the other members. He was pleased to see the charity doing well as he had not looked at the website for years.

Dreams use associations. In real life the dreamer had made six booklets for the charity and was extremely proud of them. It is no coincidence that the dream featured 6 books. That is the dreams way of saying that the dream is about the charity. Dreams use little coincidences like this. The dream also featured history in general as this was what the charity was about.

The dream hints at health problems which were affecting the dreamer as he got older. The dream portrayed him getting extremely frustrated and incompetent. It's the minds way of saying "I am getting older and prone to bouts of frustration constantly losing things. I simply do not know what I am doing half the time." Instead of saying this out loud the dream just presents it in the form of a short story.

This was a changes dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream interpretation - violent fights
• A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
• Partner phones me - a dream of support
• Cold water - dream symbolism
• Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
• Snake bite on neck dream
• Sears Tower dream
• Dream symbolism - unfamiliar place
• Secret rooms - dream interpretation
• Exploring an entrance to my new home - dream interpretation
• Great skill and ability dream
• Admiral Lord Nelson dies after Victory - dream interpretation
• Dream - girl dripping in blood
• Vampire, violent towards friends dream
• Death comes to kill me dream
• Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
• Dream - ghost
• Dirty cats - dream analysis
• Cricket and football dream interpretation
• Bright light dream
• All those years dream
• Fallen trees - dream analysis
• Hairdresser - dream interpretation
• Crush missing dream
• Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com