dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was playing football. I thought it was a good game and went to join in. I was a bit tired. There was Jim there whom I work with. I was saying that I was tired and we had a laugh and agreed that we would play again that night.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer had not been feeling very well and was thinking of telling his colleague(JIm in the dream) that he could not work the next day. Dreams will often home in on feelings of ill health and if the dreamer had flu symptoms then this could easily trigger a dream. The dream is like a short story which shows how the dreamer feels. It features something extremely physical(football) which is something that somebody with flu would avoid. The dream then captures a thought like "I am feeling really ill but I enjoy work and will try to soldier on".

This was a health dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Stuck on ridge dream
• Psychological study of a medication dream
• Study of terrorist dream
• Dream about a business woman
• Dream symbolism about best friend from school
• Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
• A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
• Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
• Blood in the penis dream
• Plane crash - dream analysis
• Jumping off a hill dream
• I dreamt I was in a psychiatric hospital
• A dream about getting old and incapable
• Amazing Race dream
• A dream about a club which opened on a nighttime.
• Dream symbolism - stupid aliens
• Weeds in garden dream
• Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Dream - stay disciplined soldier
• Fear of crossing - premonitions
• Dream interpretation - a cold house
• Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Police and riots - dream symbolism
• A dream about being urinated on by a bully
• Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com