dream analysis study

Allow in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about "allow" may simply translate into a word like "guidelines". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "My son is moving in. I do not want him to take advantage so I am setting some strict guidelines". Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.

Full list of keywords which link to "Allow" dreams
- "Accepting the consequences" Have you taken drastic action in some way and you are willing to accept the consequences? If so then the dream is about you allowing major change in your life.
- "open to change" Have you just behaved in a way which is quite new for you? Have you taken a more relaxed attitude towards something?
- "Guidelines" Are you trying to set some guidelines to stop someone taking advantage of you? Have things started to get out of control? If so the dream is about your wish to set some proper rules.
- "Applying the rules" Are you letting people bend the rules? Have you not been following the rules? Have you been trying to do things in a precise way? If so the dream is about you trying to get things right.
- "Wanting things done right" Are you set in your own ways and like everything done just how you like it? If so the dream is about your personality and your wish for things to be done in a way that you are used to.
- "Feeling more relaxed" Have you started to accept someone or something?

Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems and thoughts right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include one of the words and phrases above. For instance if you have had a "allow dream" then the meaning of your dream could link to a key phrase such as "accepting the consequences" and this could be include a thought such as "I am set on making a move and I am ready to accept the consequences. I know it a drastic move but I think this is right for me."

•CIA assassination dream
•Dream interpretation - Pearl harbour
•Old girlfriend dream
•Dream - judge,frown and cheating
•Trombone dream
•Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
• Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
•Dream - daughter causing me grief
•Gangster murder dream
•German friend - dream analysis
•Crossing a beautiful river dream
•Police and riots - dream symbolism
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Birds in a big sectioned cage
•Low flying dream
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•Torture/running/trapped dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com