Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Alone" dreams linked to these feelings
- "I am recovering from a serious mental illness and am starting to LIVE LIFE MORE INDEPENDENTLY."
- "I am just been diagnosed with a serious illness. I will be living my life alone from now on. There will be no chance of a RELATIONSHIP now."
- "Whilst I was sleeping my daughter was tickling my feet. I thought I was ALONE so it was a bit of a surprise."
- "I have just moved out of shared accommodation and now I am LIVING ON MY OWN. It will be a bit of a change."
- "I have bowel problems and just want to be ON MY OWN."
- "Yesterday was Valentines day and I was very conscious that I SPENT IT ALONE."
- "I am a mature student and I am self taught." (learning by himself)
- "I thought I was going to meet some new people in this new home but I am reverting back to my old self becoming INCREASINGLY ISOLATED AND ALONE."
Alone in dreams Read through these key words and phrases as they are known to be linked with "alone" dreams.
- "Phobia of people"(Did you want to avoid people yesterday? Do you have health problems which make you want to be by yourself? Do you find it very difficult to be with people?)
- "Missing someone"(Have you been missing someone who has recently died? Are you seeing friends less? Are you sick of being on your own with long boring days with no one to talk too?)
- "Thinking about your relationship"(Have you been thinking about ending a relationship even though you will have to get new friends? Have been worried about the consequences of splitting up with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Would you be happier if you split up?)
- "Hearing noises whilst asleep"(Were you woken up by some suspicious noises whilst asleep?)
- "I was thinking about how happy I feel on my own"(Are you happy in your own company? )
- "I am so unhappy and bored"(Are you easily bored? Are you unhappy because you have not got enough friends? Has an illness left you stuck at home on your own?)
- "I feel neglected"(Has your boyfriend / girlfriend been neglecting you right now? Have you been left out?)
- "Wanting to be left alone"(Did someone hint that they wanted to be left alone yesterday? Did you feel a little delicate and tired yesterday and just wanted to rest and be by yourself?)
- "Making decisions on your own"(Do you have major responsibilities which you have to manage all on your own? Is life very lonely with no one to make decisions in a position of power?)
- "Coping well on your own"(Have you just been ill and now you are trying to get back into the world without help?)
sex with brother in law - dream interpretation
Going home lone - dream analysis
Being a student and shouting dream
In London without parents - dream analysis
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Empty house - dream analysis
My Father's Visit
Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
Trapped in room dream
Frozen shark dream
Dream about avoiding people
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Travel alone dream
Tornado Dream
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - large college and library
Needing help dream
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Trust a man in my house - dream analysis
Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
Murder and military police dream interpretation
A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
Guy chasing me dream
Gas Poisoned
Basic training - dream analysis
Message dream
Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
Mum and Dad dream
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
Make up shop best in world - dream interpretation
Embarrassed dream
Poison food dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at