Tweet Using psychology we find that "anger" in our dreams database link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizews the backgroundknowledge which is thought to have triggered the drream
- "It's over with - I have BROKEN UP with my boyfriend." (a messy break up)
- "I suffer from SCHIZOPHRENIA - I have very MIXED UP EMOTIONS right now." (mental illness often involves hightened feelings)
- "I have my suspicions that my husband is CHEATING ON ME." (a breach of trust is upsetting)
- "I was ANNOYED because I had to wait for ages in a Government office yesterday." (anger results from frustration. The dream pinpoints a key feeling of anger even though it seems totally unrelated to real life)
- "I have decided that my relationship with my partner no longer serves its purpose." (anger is associated with break ups)
- "I have had LOTS OF ARGUMENTS with my boyfriend recently." (anger is obviously associated with arguments)
- "I am getting very FRUSTRATED because I am starting up a new business."
- "I am FRUSTRATED because a woman wants to live with me but I know we are not right for each other."
- "I caught my husband out LYING but he continues to deny it." (a blatant liar always generates anger)
- "I am ANNOYED at my neighbours next door as they have no consideration for anyone." (the story in the dream seems totally unrelated yet the dream shows that you are feeling annoyed)
- "I have been forced by my boss to serve a man who is a known child molester. It has made me FURIOUS." (did something make you really angry yesterday)
- "I want to die and all I can ever think about is EVIL PEOPLE who just take advantage." (a dream may seem unrelated yet the key feeling of anger is associated with evil people and evil acts)
- "I asked a local vet to put my dog to sleep but he refused as vets from his country do not put dogs to sleep. It left me very FRUSTRATED AND ANNOYED."
- "I have been very ANNOYED at my father because I gave him good advice but he just ignored it."
- "I have been laid off from a job which I love and it has made me very DEPRESSED." (anger building up inside you)
ANGER IN DREAMS : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance an "Anger" dream may simply capture your feeling that "I simply cannot accept this change its so unjust" and so the anger may translate into the words "Unjust" and "Inability to accept". The dream uses anger as we would use the word "Injustice" - the anger is associated with this injustice because that is what is at the heart of the anger.
Full list of key words linked to this symbol?
if you get anger in a dream then we can predict that the words and phrases which appear in the list below are appearing in your thoughts processes.
- "Frustration" (Obviously if we are frustrated by something then it causes us to be angry)
- "Cannot speak your mind" (If you cannot speak your mind then your anger goes inside you - it eats away at you. If a customer was being completely unreasonable at work yesterday then you just have to take it)
- "Lack of hope" (Do you feel as if you are unable to change things)
- "Trying to understand someone's strength of feeling" (Where you trying to understand someone's anger yesterday)
- "Bad feelings" (What bad feelings have been on your mind?)
- "Petty arguments" (Petty problems frustrate us and cause anger to build up. We can be left thinking about some stupid argument all day.)
- "Relationship problems" (Lots of anger dreams are caused by relationship issues)
- "Grief" (People who are grieving often go through an angry phrase - they wonder why did this happened. Death seems so inexplicable)
- "Inability to accept" (Sometimes we just have to accept something. We feel angry because someone has died! We get angry because we have lost our job! This may have been no fault of our own but we just have to accept this change. Sometimes this frustration can tip over into dreams)
- "Repressed anger" (Many people have to repress anger - you cannot shout at someone if its inappropriate - you cannot shout at customers no matter how bad they behave)
- "Hate" (Your anger in the dream may link to your hatred of someone)
- "Delay" (This is a specific cause of anger. Where you frustrated by some long delay yesterday)
- "Bickering" (Your anger dream could simply link to someone bickering with you)
- "A need to control temper" (Have you been thinking about your need to control your temper?)
- "Mistrust" (If you do not trust someone it could trigger an anger dream - you are frustrated because you feel so uncomfortable with them. They might try to build your trust but inside you want nothing to do with them)
- "Arguing" (Obviously arguing causes anger.)
- "Uncaring" (Who frustrates you because they simply do not care)
- "Marginalised" (If you do not feel accepted by others? This lack of comfort in your world causes frustration and even anger)
- "Not accepted by others" (If you are marginalised by others then a sense of unfairness builds up causing anger)
- "Unjust/unfair" (If some rule is unfair and unjust or simply seems incomprehensible then you will start to get frustrated and eventually angry)
- "Cannot understand" (If you simply cannot understand why something has happened then it causes frustration and even anger)
- "Understanding someone's point of view" (Where you trying to see things from a different perspective yesterday? Maybe trying to understand their strength of feeling about something)
Now try to see how words in this list feature in your thoughts. Think of the things that you write down in a diary or tell a friend. Its likely that dreams translate into conscious thoughts that you are all too aware of - nowadays not many people believe in the unconscious mind. If any of the thoughts that you have seem to feature words on the list then its likely that the dream could link to that thought - it may even portray that exact thought process. So if you were thinking "Why did he get so angry about it?" then the anger dream was related to your need to understand that anger and see things from someone else's point of view. We need to place ourselves in the mind of others to see how they think.
Dreams can portray quite sophisticated thoughts. Take for instance the following dream - I was pointing a gun at my friends head. But he did not get angry. In real life the dreamer had seen her friend the day before and had been very worried because he was showing signs of chest pain. His family had a history of heart disease and she really wanted to force him to go to the doctors but couldn't. If you think about it the dream portrays this type of thought - "I should have not taken no for an answer. I should have forced him into going to the doctors. He would not have been angry because he would have known I was right".
Swim to victory - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - calm down
Dream symbols - huge snake
A nice warm bed - dream analysis
Dream - angry man at aqueduct
Danger from wolves - dream analysis
Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Rescue baby and dog dream
Flying and chasing dream
Old girlfriend dream
Nightmare about my angry violent husband
Dream symbolism - shouting at child molester
Children tortured dream
Girl strips off - dream analysis
Dream - skating down highway and primary school
Police clothes - dream interpretation
Death comes to kill me dream
Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
my son crying in an asylum
Angry with husband - dream symbolism
Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
Deep cut and bleeding dream
Assaulting mother in law dream
Teacher From The Past dream
Murder a stranger dream
Managing people dream
Dream - brother on drugs and ill
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Poison a Rottweiler dog
Comforting house dream!
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
Accusing woman dream
A nice hot bath
A body in hot water dream
Angry dog dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at