Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "arrest" dreams link to these feelings (each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page).
- "I am unemployed and fear that I have a BAD REPUTATION because I have a bad reference from a previous employer." (people who have a bad reputation are associated with crime and being arrested)
- "I want to make a complaint against a coworker who BEHAVES BADLY but I fear that if I made a complaint he would get the sack." (bad behaviour needs to be stopped - just like criminals need to be arrested)
- "She BEHAVES IN A REALLY TERRIBLE WAY and someone should stop her." (bad behaviour needs to be stopped)
- "I don't know if I should have BEHAVED IN THAT WAY telling my fiance exactly how I felt." (doing something which is against the rules - even unwritten rules)
- "I was pushing the limits with my boss yesterday but I soon stopped when I heard that he had just fired someone. I was really BEHAVING IN AN UNACCEPTABLE WAY." (criminals push the limits and get stopped when they are arrested)
- "I am involved in a NASTY LAW SUIT which could go either way." (being arrested is associated with anything to do with the law)
Arrested in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance an "arrested" dream may simply translate into a word like "untrustworthy" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I feel I am gaining a reputation as someone untrustworthy. I will have to be on my best behaviour." Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Understanding dreams is easier than you think since most dreams are linked to the here and now as during the night we transfer thoughts from short term into long term memory banks.
Keywords linked to arrested in dreams
In practice "arrested" in dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Legal case" (Are you involved in an actual legal wrangle where accusations are being thrown about?)
- "Breaking the rules" (Do you fear being caught breaking the rules? Have you been testing out authorities to see what you can get away with? Are there some rules which are unwritten but which you have to test out how people will react? )
- "Going further than you feel comfortable with" (Did you push the limits in some way yesterday? Did you let go yesterday in a way which made you feel uncomfortable? Did someone go too far yesterday?)
- "Untrustworthy" (Do people look at you with suspicion? Do you try to avoid someone who is a bit of a rogue? Have you been gaining a bad reputation?)
- "Causing trouble" (Have you been causing trouble? Have you been stressed out by someone who needs sorting out?)
Dreams use symbols such as "being arrested" in very sophisticated ways. Try to make associations with the dream symbols and recent thoughts. For instance if you think about one the quotes above such as "causing trouble" and it makes you think about someone at work who is "causing trouble" then that is an association. Then try to think of a longer quote which really sums up how you feel about this such as "He is causing trouble for me at work. I am not going to stand for it. I will try to get support from other people who feel the same way". Then try to see if any other symbols could link to that thought. Dreams link to very specific thoughts not the vague and generalised meanings often suggested.
Arrest warrant dream
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at