Using psychology we find that "attempts" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)
- "They are TRYING REALLY HARD to distance themselves from the old manager."
- "My parents are TRYING TO INFLUENCE my choice of career paths."
- "I am DESPERATELY TRYING to see a man whom I am ATTRACTED to. I am hoping for some chance meeting"
- "I am feeling depressed and isolated. I know people have been trying to help me. I JUST WANT TO get out of this rut."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of the attacks on the World Trade Centre. People REALLY WANT TO destroy our country."
- "I REALLY WANTED TO keep to my schedule. I want to achieve things in life and I must maintain my discipline."
- "I feel like I am HAVING TO PROVE MYSELF because there are people who want me out of the company."
- "I am TRYING TO PERSUADE my father to put pressure on my brother to drop his new girlfriend."
- "I JUST WANT TO retreat to my home and concentrate on home life."
- "I have WALKED AWAY from my husband and daughter."
Attempting in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance an "Attempting" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I really wanted to help her but I simply lacked the ability".
Keywords linked to attempting dreams
In practice attempting dreams have several symbolic meanings. Try to see which is the most relevant. Only one of these meanings can be right. Try to write down quotes which capture your key thoughts right now and which feature the keywords and phrases below.
- "Effort" (Are you wanting to do something right now? Have you been really trying and really want to succeed? If so the "Attempting" dream shows your wish to do this is carrying over into dreams.)
- "Doing too much" (An attempting dream may show that you have simply taken on too much. You need to concentrate on the things which are most important.)
- "Lacking confidence" (Are you wanting to do something but lack confidence?)
- "Nervous" (Were you wanting to do something yesterday but nerves got in the way?)
- "Lacking ability to do something" (Was something simply beyond your capability yesterday? If so you are recognising that however much you try its not going to happen. Your drea may warn you not to waste time. It may prepare you emotionally for failure.)
- "I know what they want to do!" (Has someone really got it in for you? Do you think someone is up to something? Who is "Attempting" to cause you problems?)
•Dream analysis - president has died
•Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
•Enemy territory dream
•Feeling lost and losing wallet - dream analysis
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Car crashed into river while crossing a bridge
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
•First alien dream
•Birds in a big sectioned cage
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at