dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that REAL "baby" dreams (in our database) link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)

- "My girlfriend drives me mad but I REALLY LOVE HER." (We love babies so a dream about a baby may be a symbol for when we feel that exact feeling of love in real life. Dreams make such linsk as they store similar feelings in the mind such as love for a baby is associated with love for another person. The story in the dream may seem unrelated yet the basic theme of love is the same)

- "I have left my partner for a NEW man and I am wondering if it was the right thing to do." (A baby in a dream may simply be the minds way of telling you that there is something new in your life. So your dream may be linked to new feelings even though the story in the dream may seem totally unrelated)

- "I am worried that if I make a CHANGE IN MY LIFE, by moving in with my boyfriend, that we may both drive each other mad." (a worry about something new in your life)

- "Yesterday I started by arguing with my boyfriend about everything yet then we MADE UP and started talking about getting married and having babies." (a literal meaning of childbirth - babies meant babies in the dream)

- "I am starting training in a nursery and I just worry that I cannot look after BABIES." (Another literal meaning as babies are associated with tiny children and even some babies go to nursery)

- "I thought my illness was going to be with me all my life yet I have started to do things which I have not done in a long time." (improvements in your life may trigger a baby dream. It symbolises new growth in your life)

Babies in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Baby" dream may simply translate into the word "Project" and the dream captures the thought "I am really getting involved in this project at work. I am really enjoying my work". In that way the dream taps into the phrase "This project is my baby". So you see how dreams may seem so bizarre and irrelevant yet actually they tap into very real emotions right now.

Keywords linked to baby dreams
In practice baby dreams have several symbolic meanings. Try to see which is the most relevant right now. Write down phrases which capture your key feelings right now which feature the words and phrases below
- "Really caring" (Are you trying to be very caring right now?)
- "Project" (We use the phrase "This project is my baby!")
- "Refreshing" (Often we get a very refreshing feeling whilst with a baby. Women can go weak at the knees at the very thought. Can you think of anything which gave you a similarly refreshing feeling yesterday? Something which made everyone smile and happy)
- "New" (What does the word new mean to you right now? Babies can represent anything new?)
- "Beautiful" (Often we describe a baby a beautiful. Dreams use metaphors so think of something which gave you that similar "Beautiful feeling")
- "Opportunity" (A baby may represent some new opportunity which has opened up in your life)
- "Loving" (Was someone very attentive yesterday? Are you trying to show someone how much you care and how loving you are? If so the dream links into this caring and loving side)
- "Growing as a person" (Do you feel yourself growing as a person. Babies somehow tap into a similar emotional vein. When we see babies we see something bigger than ourselves.)
- "Potential father/mother" (Have you been thinking of someone as a potential father or mother? If so you may genuinely be thinking of having children or at least thinking about someone as a potential mother or father of your baby)
- "Settling down" (Are you thinking of settling down with a partner? If so the baby could represent your wish to form a long term relationship with someone? The dream does not mean that you are wanting a baby but it does mean that you are moving in that direction)
- "Precious and important" (What does the word precious make you think of from yesterday? If you can think of something then the baby represents these precious feelings)
- "Vulnerable" (Have you been thinking about someone who is very vulnerable? Have you got to look after someone who cannot look after themselves? Have you got an elderly relative who you are worried about? Babies can symbolise people who are very dependant on others for help. If you can think of anyone like that then your dream may link to some thoughts about them. )
- "Tantrums" (Did someone have a tantrum yesterday? Do you worry that you can behave like a baby and lose your temper for no good reason? Your dream may tap into something like that)

• Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
• baby devil in bed dream
•Babies and a gun
•New born baby dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - neglected babies
•Baby growing after end of world dream
•Tornado dream
•A dream about playing with a baby
•Baby girl dream
•Beautiful fresh baby dream
• Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
•Helping babysit sister.
• Baby and a book - dream interpretation
•Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
•Baby dies - dream symbol
•Tornadoes dream analysis
•Baby in a purse dream analysis
•Boyfriend with ring - dream analysis
•Giving a baby up for adoption dream
•Scotland baby dream analysed
•Rescue baby and dog dream
•Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - Mrs Shock
•Spiders eggs and birds nest - dream interpretation
•Dream - coyotes
• Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
•Discussion and baby dream interpretation
•Rats,worms,flies and maggots
•Dream symbols - romantic interest
•Friend has a baby dream
•New York City dream
•Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
•They really love each other - dream interpretation
•Dream analysis - killing at Harvard
•Girlfriend baby!
•Family of whales - dream interpretation
•Huge elephant and squirrel dream
•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
•Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
•Dream - screaming at snake and knife
•Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
•Holding a baby gently - dream symbolism
•Hairdresser - dream interpretation
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•A baby dream and large building
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•Birds in a big sectioned cage
•Dragon eggs dreams
•Psychic dream - brother in trouble
•Neglecting dream
•My deceased mother

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com