dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "battles" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)

- "I am involved in a MASSIVE WORK PROJECT. Everyone is sick of it and we just have to BATTLE ON." (a big project often feels like a battle. You have to keep on time and face fierce opposition)

- "I had a chance meeting with someone I DISLIKE and I did everything possible to AVOID him by making my excuses and leaving." (a battle is a difficult situation which maybe your minds way of saying that you want to avoid something)

- "I thought we were destined to be together but now I am thinking that BAD THINGS HAPPEN FOR NO REASON. It is just one MASSIVE PROBLEM when I am around her." (a battle maybe a symbol for anything which seems like a battle)

- "I am DESPERATELY ILL AND FIGHTING FOR LIFE. I don't know how long I have got left." (a metaphor for the fight to survive despite terrible health problems)

- "My boyfriend is about to move away so we will be in a long term relationship. I feel it will be a STRUGGLE to keep things going." (a battle to keep a relationship going)

- "The way I behaved was TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE - things could have been sorted out but now there is NOTHING BUT HOSTILITY." (who is your enemy who you seem destined to go to war with?)

- "This is going to be a MAJOR CRISIS and I have got to be PREPARED for a MAJOR TEST." (a battle maybe a metaphor for any major test. The dream may seem unrelated but it deals with the theme of combating people who are hostile)

- "It has been an EPIC TASK and now I am wondering what to FOCUS ALL MY ENERGIES on." (when you are in a battle you are concentrating 100% - was there something the day before that you were concentrating totally on?)

- "I suffer from paranoia and have been THINKING THE WORST about a woman I am attracted to. It is a MAJOR STRUGGLE as I am seeing PROBLEMS EVERYWHERE." (a battle is often just a symbol for problems and particularly big problems.)

- "Before I fell asleep I felt this CREEPY VIBE. I was thinking of all the ways which I could FIGHT THIS ENTITY." (If you sense an enemy then it maybe trigger a dream)

- "I am due to see a man I am very much in love with. I sense that it will be a VERY HOSTILE meeting." (Think of something which is worrying you as much as if you were about to go into battle with)

- " I am in the military so my whole life involves communicating,fighting, sacrificing, building and communicating. I am trained to COPE WITH HOSTILE situations." (battles are associated with hostility so try to think of situations which involved hostility as they may have triggered your dream. dreams feature key emotions such as "hostility" even though the dream may not seem linked to real life)

- "Yesterday I tried to pit two friends against each other. It was all very playful as they were not really ENEMIES." (we go "into battle" with many people in a metaphorical sense)

Battles in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Battle" dream may simply translate into the word "Struggle" and the dream captures the previous days feeling that you are "Battling with a tough project".

Battle dreams symbolic meaning
In practice battle dreams have several symbolic meanings. Try to think how the following words and phrases link into your feelings right now. Then try to write down sentences which capture your key feelings and intuitions right now.here is the full list of key words.
- "A massive struggle" (Did you face a huge struggle yesterday?)
- "Real effort" (A dream about a battle may seem totally unrelated to real life but we use the term battle in many ways which do not involve soldiers and warfare. We "Battle" with a workload or battle to meet our targets.)
- "Terrible illness" (Often dream symbols translate into very specific things. Sometimes its important to list these specific meanings because they occur over and over again. A battle is such a common symbol to describe a terrible illness. Have you been battling with cancer or battling with arthritis. Have you been thinking about your own illness. The dream probably translates directly into your emotions about this illness right now. Battling often implies that you are finding thing really difficult. It may even mean that a health problem is getting on top of you)
- "Volatile situation" (Dreams use symbols because they feature identical sets of emotions. In a battle you are constantly on edge and expect the unexpected. This can refer to any volatile situation because you will feel a similar sense of nervousness. So a battle in a dream may simply mean that you felt a situation was very volatile yesterday.)
- "Involved situation" (We use the term battle in many senses and a highly involved situation could be the trigger of your dream. Did you have to battle through something yesterday? Do you worry about something which you fear maybe a major struggle?)
- "Having to prove yourself" (The phrase "Having to prove yourself" is easily linked to the word battle. You just rearrange the words - "Its a battle to prove yourself". Has such a theme been relevant in your life right now? If so then that's the likely trigger of the dream. Look for little connections like this)
- "Fight for a relationship" (Battle dreams often link into situations where we are trying 100 percent. Fighting for a relationship is a situation which triggers battle dreams regularly. Battle dreams often imply that things are not going well and that you are fighting against all the odds.)
dreams can use symbols in unpredictable ways. The obvious symbolic meaning is that you are struggling or battling with something. But think of the ways in which you use that word e.g. "Life has not been so tough recently. I am not having to battle through."

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com