dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "Believe" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream.

- "My fiance has just died and I still feel this was UNBELIEVABLE."

- "She stole that money and took advantage of my Grandfather. She has a TWISTED VIEW OF THE WORLD believing se is justified doing the things that she does."

- "I had to leave them yesterday because I could not stand being around that evil man. I am CONVINCED that he has robbed me. people probably think I was being stupid but I am CONVINCED I am right." (her behaviour was unbelievable)

- "I asked God why I had to go through these insecurities and self esteem issues. I cried myself to sleep." (RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS triggered the dream)

- "Yesterday I had a discussion about RELIGION. I like going to mass but I have a real problem with organised religion."

- "I believe this dream was a premonition of someone death. It was a truly SHOCKING EVENT."

- "I have been unable to overcome an obstacle in life. I have no hope and feel nothing but fear." (NOTHING TO BELIEVE IN)

- "I am SHOCKED at how badly the workmen have behaved. They have made my life a misery and they have done it on purpose." (UNBELIEVABLE ACTIONS)

- "I have just quit my job due to stress." (Taking major action the dreamer wants to feel JUSTIFIED in his actions)

- "I CANNOT BELIEVE how my mother treats me - she behaves like I am a child."

- "I have a good life with a nice family and good job but I am not SPIRITUALLY FULFILLED." (looking for something to believe in)

- "I am going to die tomorrow by execution. I am being PERSECUTED for my religious BELIEFS." (the dream of a christian due to die in the arena in ancient Rome)

- "SOMETHING WONDERFUL has just happened - I have made a major breakthrough with my son. We are now getting on much better."

Believe in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about "believing" may simply translate into a key word like "dodgy". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "I simply do not believe my sister. She mixes with some dodgy people". Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.

Full list of keywords which link to "believe" in dreams
- "Unable to accept" Has a relationship just ended which you still haven't accepted? Has some bad news not sunk in yet?
- "Unbelievable" Did you want to double check something yesterday? Did someone tell you something that was totally unbelievable yesterday? Do you think someone has been telling their own twisted version of the truth? Did something truly shocking happen on the day of the dream?
- "Cautious" Do you often err on the side of caution? Do you tend to be overprotective of someone?
- "Dodgy" Did you hate to be around someone yesterday who you think is dodgy and untrustworthy? Are you worried about the day to come because you might bump into someone who you really dislike and whom you think is a liar?
- "Overwhelmed" Did something overwhelm you the day before the dream? Are you very insecure and nervous? If so the dream is about your wish for belief and certainty in life.
- "Eerie feeling" Were you scared by something the day before the dream? Did you have a bad feeling about something? Were you freaked out by something yesterday?
- "Strongly held beliefs" Did you have a strong intuition about something yesterday? Did you come up against someone with strongly held beliefs yesterday? Do you feel as if you are in a spiritual crisis?
- "Badly treated" Has someone's treatment of you been truly unbelievable? Has someone tried to take advantage of you in a way which is beyond belief?
- "Wonderful" Did something truly wonderful happen on the day before the dream? Have you been filled with positive and inspiring emotions? Did you feel a real sense of trust yesterday?
- "Behaving badly" Did you behave in a shocking way yesterday? Did you push someone to their limits yesterday? Was your behaviour unbelievable?
- "Mistaken" Do you now realise that you made a mistake recently? What error did you make yesterday? What did you really believe in yesterday which you now realise was not true? Did you realise that you have been wrong for a long time in trusting someone?
- "Strong personality" Did you come up against a strongly willed person yesterday who thought they knew best? Do you know someone who simply will not take no for an answer? Are you a strongly willed person?
- "Testing times" Were you tested to your very limits yesterday? Did you find some inner strength yesterday?

Most dreams have simple meanings - they are linked to everyday thoughts. If properly understood they would translate into everyday thoughts, the type of feelings that we write down in a diary or tell a best friend. If you were to give a quote which summed up your thoughts about the day that has just gone or the day to come then that would very often be the meaning of your dream. The story in your dream is merely a symbolic version of that thought. Just read through the list of keywords above and if one seems to fit a key thought right now then it is likely that it is linked to the dreams meaning. For instance an "believe" dream may translate into the keyword "mistaken" and the dream is a symbolic of a thought such as "I was convinced I was right. But now I have to accept what everyone else believes".

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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com