Using psychology we find that "Bites" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream.
- "I am trying to teach my friend to be more respectful and LESS RUDE by ignoring him when he is being NASTY."
- "I have been thinking about my relationship with her and have REALISED THAT I HAVE BEHAVED BADLY."
- "I am in the process of moving state and I am trying to AVOID PROBLEMS so that my deaf daughter has a smooth transition."
- "I want to break up with my boyfriend after that TERRIBLE ARGUMENT but he will not take no for an answer."
- "I was engaged in a HOSTILE ARGUMENT yesterday. I was losing the debate but now I have found an argument which is more convincing."
- "I have been thinking about the LIES THAT I HAVE CAUGHT my husband making."
- "I had a bad ARGUMENT with my boyfriend. I want to give him one more chance but I am a bit scared of him HURTING ME again."
- "I am scared of being involved with a man because it INVOLVES TOO MANY RISKS."
- "I write erotic stories and I feel inspired to write a about a new SEXUAL ENCOUNTER."
- "I think my sister in law has a NASTY SIDE TO HER because she says s many nice things about her sons yet ignores my beautiful daughters who I am so proud of."
- "I have been thinking about my BREAK UP WITH MY BOYFRIEND. I just think he is too emotionally unresponsive."
- "I am super UPSET about BREAKING UP with my boyfriend."
- "I am feeling guilty because my father said I should have made more of my life but I have had a really difficult time with PROBLEMS caused by health issues."
- "I was convinced that those women were making some NASTY COMMENTS about me because they were whispering all the time."
- "I have been thinking about my WORSENING HEALTH because my eyes are deteriorating all the time."
- "My mother has just died but I feel no sense of sadness because of all the ABUSE she inflicted on me."
- "I fear that my grandmother will die because she is so ill. I am scared that bad news could happen at any time."
Research into being "bitten" in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "bitten" dream may simply translate into the words "problem relationship" as that's an excellent metaphor for being "bitten". Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.
Key words linked to the symbolism of "bitten" in dreams?
- "Bad news" (Did you hear some bad news yesterday? Has someone close to you died? )
- "Having no control" (Is there nothing you can do to prevent something happening? Did you feel a strong sense of jealousy about someone?)
- "Wanting to prevent something from happening" (Do you want to prevent someone saying something that you not want? Are you trying to avoid something?)
- "Critical comments" (Has someone made a complaint about you? Did someone say something that was unjustified? Did you suspect someone was whispering bad things about you yesterday? Are you annoyed at someone who constantly puts you down? Have you been making some critical comments? Have you been ignoring someone who keeps being rude?)
- "Relationship problems" (Does someone leave you with a strong sense of revulsion? Have you been having lots of issues with your partner? Have you got fears about rejection? Have you just broken up with your partner? Do you want to end your relationship but your partner will not take no for an answer?)
- "Worries about your health" (Were you worried about your health worsening before you went to sleep? Is some health problem not healing up as quickly as you would like?)
- "Not worried about the consequences" (Did you pluck up the courage say something controversial the day before? Are you determined to say something to someone despite the consequences?)
- "Making the wrong decision" (Do you think you have acted hastily about something? Have you been regretting a decision? Do you worry that you have tarnished your relationship?)
- "Sexual perversion" (Are you into sadomasochistic sex? Do you have strong sexual fantasies? Have you been pressurised into rough sex?)
Dreams use symbols in a very sophisticated way. Take for instance one of the phrases listed above - "Not worried about the consequences". A bite from a snake or shark or whatever is the minds way of representing that thought. That's because if you are not scared of being bitten is the way of symbolising a lack of been not been worried about the consequences of doing something reckless. By looking deeply at what you have been thinking in real life you can try to see how those thoughts can be represented by the symbols in your dream.
A dream where you are bitten by a snake
Rat bites pet cat - dream analysis
Deep rat bite - dream dictionary
Snake bite on neck dream
Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
Bitten by a snake dream
Husband cheating dream
Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
A shark dream and its symbolic meanings
Dream symbols - shark bite
Dream symbolism - raped and bitten
Shark bite proudly shown - dream interpretation
Spiders and open wounds dream
Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
Mutant - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - handling snake
Dream symbols - bitten by dog in school yard
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Mom grabs snake - dream interpretation
Kinky realtor dream
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
Job application and seamstress dream analysis
Dream interpretation about lions and wild animals
Crocodile mouth dream
Chased by a shark dream
Feeling threatened - dream
Bitten by dog - dream analysis
Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
Huge thrashing shark dream
Angry dog dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at