Using psychology we find that "battles" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I was ill with a stomach bug and I should not have visited my elderly relative because it could have been contagious. I would have FELT GUILTY."
- "I had a conversation about the war in Gaza and I SHIFTED THE BLAME to the Palestinians saying that they had caused the war. I worry about supporting Israel because everyone I know hates them."
Blaming in dreams: Dreams are symbolic versions of our own thoughts. The symbols used are linked to how our minds store conceptual thoughts and emotions. If analysed properly they will translate into a quote which captures a key feeling at the time of the dream. Since dreams are linked to the here and now then most dreams will translate into the types of thoughts we would tell a good friend or write down in a diary. For example a dream which has "blame" in it could translate into a key phrase like "feeling guilty". Try to see if that word appears in your key feelings. For instance if you were thinking "I am feeling guilty about going to work with the flu. I could pass it onto others." In that way the key phrase "feeling guilty" is linked to something that very specific in the dreamers mind.
Full list of keywords which link to "blame" in dreams
- "Feeling guilty" Did you feel guilty for some reason yesterday? Do you think you will be blamed for something very serious?
- "Passing blame" Have you been trying to pass on the blame to someone you don't like?
You will usually find a dreams meaning in the here and now. That is because dreams are linked to night time when we transfer thoughts from short term into long term memory banks. Dreams are linked to conscious thoughts(its a fallacy that dreams link to unconscious feelings). So you will be all too aware of the thoughts that a dream links to. Use the key phrases above to help you make associations with real life. If for instance you felt "I am going to try to pass on the blame for the work mess up" then the key phrase "passing blame" seems relevant. Do not be put off if the dream does not seem relevant to the issue. Dreams repeat important key feelings but they often will be about a particular person but that person need not be in the dream.
Dream about getting the blame.
paracetamol overdose dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at