dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "Bright" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream.

- "I had a holiday fling with a man. It was an INTENSE moment."

- "I have just come back to my home country but I hate the regimented and conservative culture in it."

- "I have a PASSIONATE INTEREST in wildlife such as foxes and wolves."

- "I have split with my boyfriend for religious reasons. However, I have got to stop having SEX with him because I will never move on."

- "We had a family get together and it was a WONDERFUL AND JOYOUS OCCASION. It was sad though because it was the first time we had a family get together without my late father."

- "I have rekindled my relationship with my ex so I am feeling HAPPY for the moment."

- "I must have a STRONG CONNECTION with him because we both had the exact same dream. He looked like he had seen a ghost when I told him my dream."

- "I made an EMOTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH with my son. He had previously been quite difficult but now we get along well."

- "I am an artist and one of my customers complained about something which put me in MOOD. I don't like having to force myself."

- "My boyfriends family have STRONG FEELINGS and want to push their son into BECOMING FAMOUS. They want him to be a world famous pop singer."

- "I want to change universities and have been looking at some very TEMPTING CHOICES."

- "Yesterday I was FEELING ENERGETIC, CONFIDENT AND POSITIVE. I just overcame some major challenges"

- "I am in a long distant relationship which I am trying to build but I am short of money and need to find a job."

- "I am DEVASTATED because I found out I had been pregnant after having a miscarriage."

Research into dreams with bright lights or bright things :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "bright" dream may simply translate into the word "intense" as it's an excellent metaphor for bright lights or bright feelings. Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.

Key words linked to the symbolism of crazy in dreams?
- "Intense" (Was someone really intense yesterday? Who is intense and full on? Is something too full on at the moment? Did you have a get together with someone the night before?)
- "Overcome with emotions" (Were you really happy yesterday? Did you wake up in a good mood? Did a relationship improve yesterday? Were you really in love at the time of the dream? Do you get highs and lows? Did you feel an immense feeling of pride and peace at the time of the dream?)
- "Very attractive" (Were you sexually attracted to someone yesterday? Are you in a mood to meet someone sexually? Are you deeply in love with someone?)
- "Premonition of something intense" (Could the dream be a premonition of something good happening on the day of the dream? Did something really distressing happen after the dream?)
- "Intense fantasies" (Was your imagination very vivid and intense before you went to bed? Do you find happiness in fantasies?)
- "Energy session" (Did you have an intense energy session yesterday? Do you practice meditation which is working very well right now?)
- "Believing in a cause" (Have you been thinking about a cause you believe in which really inspires you? Do you want to save someone or something?)
- "Thinking about the future" (Are you thinking about your ambitions? Are your thoughts about the future a lot clearer? Are you feeling very positive about the future? Have you been thinking about changing course in life?)

Dreams are not so difficult to analyse. Most dream meanings are in the here and now so that narrows down the connections needed to understand a dream. For example the list above hints that the words "energy session" link to "bright" dreams. So think of a quote which features energy sessions e.g. "yesterday I had an intense energy session which made me feel great". That quote then could be the meaning of the dream. Many thoughts that we might write down in a diary are very often featured in a dream using symbols rather than words.

•Staying calm with snake - dream interpretation
•Ballet school - dream analysis
•Setting a wolf free - dream meaning
•Get away from a snake - dream dictionary
•My Father's Visit
•Groom is not at wedding - dream interpretation
•Intense beautiful smile - dream analysis
•Trombone dream
•A dream about having your laptop stolen
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
•Fruit shop - dream interpretation
•Poisonous Gas
•Death comes to kill me dream
•Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
•Dark figure surrounds me in woods - dream analysis
•Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
•Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
•Sunny and warm stream - dream analysis
•Stone grave and dark sky - dream interpretation
•Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Bright light dream
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Dark figures dream
•I couldn't see dream
•Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretation
•Dilapidated house dream
•Turning off lights in house - dream interpreted
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•A full moon and a guy dream
•Make up shop best in world - dream interpretation
•Premonition of movie sequel
•Sea waves and sound files - dream interpretation
•Cymbals dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com