Using psychology we find that REAL "Brother" dreams link to the following real feelings
- "My father has just did so I have been THINKING ABOUT THE FAMILY."
- "I am attracted to my brother in law as he has all the characteristics that I likes in a man. He represents my wish for an IDEAL MAN"
- "I have been thinking about my deceased brother and I know I should not live as wildly as he did."
- "I was thinking about people who I don't like and how I have no one that I know who I really like." (the dreamer didn't like his brother in law)
- "My FAMILY are quite domineering and controlling and they want to place me in a forced marriage."
- "I want to break up with my boyfriend but he will not take no for an answer."
- "I want everything to go to plan when we get the works inspection. I want everyone's supports"
- "I am sad because my FAMILY have become so distant."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my own brothers death."
- "I have thinking about my deceased mother - I do not feel sad all I feel is revulsion." (thinking about family)
- "I had a BAD FATHER and so my FAMILY LIFE was terrible."
Brothers in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Brother" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I really wanted people to stick up for me yesterday". So the dreamer wanted brotherly type support the day before. Dreams always seem so bizarre and irrelevant yet they are clearly have meanings which are relevant in every day life.
Keywords linked to brothers dreams
In practice brothers have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Taking sides" (Were people taking sides yesterday? Did you feel pressure to support someone whom you feel close to)
- "My point of view" (Did you want people to support your point of view yesterday?)
- "Sticking up for" (Did you stick up for someone yesterday? Did you wish for people to stick up for you and support your cause?)
- "Needing help and support"
- "Excluded" (Did you feel excluded or closed out yesterday)
- "Blind faith" (Brothers will often link to issues involving blind faith because a brother will ask for loyalty and support regardless of the rightness of his case)
- "A non sexual relationship with a man" (Are you female? If so then women will often say "He is like a brother". Such relationships will be none sexual. Were you thinking about someone who is "Like a brother to you" yesterday)
- "Thoughts about brother" (Were you thinking about your brother or someone else's brother just yesterday? If so then your dream about a brother may have no symbolic meaning and will probably link to your thoughts about your brother)
A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
sex with brother in law - dream interpretation
Little boy with no name
Going home lone - dream analysis
Baby girl dream
Torturing experience - dream interpretation
Four brothers - dream analysis
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
Superman swimming underwater - dream interpretation
Bitten by a snake dream
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Mother asks for help - dream analysis
Hair straightened - dream
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Dream symbolism- police arrest drunk
Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
Dream about getting the blame.
World War Three - dream analysis
Vampire dream
Tsunami in dream
Terrible Nightmare
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Pack of dogs dream
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Ocean, cliff, boat
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
My son and fire dream
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
Little brothers voice - dream analysis
Knife Attack Nightmares
Family being torn apart.
Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
Run away after explosion - dream interpretation
Assaulting mother in law dream
Purple nail polish dream
Psychic dream - brother is annoying
Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
Ampuation dream analysis
Dream interpretation - elevator lunch meat sandwich and news camera
Older brother dream
Heavy object - dream dictionary meaning
Dream - brother on drugs and ill
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
Brother falling - dream symbolism
Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
Bleeding nightmare
Basic training - dream analysis
Attractive older man - dream interpretation
Mum and Dad dream
At my Granddads allotment dream
Brother dream
Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
Psychic dream - brother in trouble
Lead army - dream analysis
Refitting work to be done
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at