dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "Bull" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream.

- "I want to get a closer relationship with my boyfriend but he lives in a house which has a MACHO CULTURE and its difficult to show your emotions."

Who acted like a bull yesterday?
Bulls in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Bull" dream may translate into the word "Uncaring" and the dream capture a feeling such as "He was very uncaring yesterday". So you see dreams see bizarre and irrelevant yet actually they capture very real and relevant emotions and thoughts.

Keywords linked to bull dreams
In practice bulls have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Male" (A bull is a very good symbol for a male and male things. Did you come across a male yesterday who is very stubborn and uncaring? Are you living or working in a very male dominated environment? If so the dream could represent some thoughts about that. Do you wish to promote some more feminine qualities? Do you like this male atmosphere and wish to fit in?)
- "Uncaring" (Was someone uncaring and rude yesterday?)
- "Dominant" (Bulls are very dominant and will not take no for an answer? Does that description match anyone you know?)
- "Bull in china shop" (Popular phrases can be relevant in dreams. Does the phrase "Bull in a china shop" make you think of anything specifically right now? If the answer is yes then the dream taps into the meaning of this phrase)
here is how to interpret a dream. Simply look down the list of words and phrases which have been proven to link to the symbolic meaning of bulls in dreams. Then think how any of these could be used to describe your feelings right now. If you had been thinking how "My father will not accept anything I ever say" clearly the word "Male" has relevance here. We can guess at the symbolic meaning of "Bull" as the dreamers father is very aggressive and stubborn (Like a bull). We can also hint at the deeper meaning of the dream in that it will probably capture the dreamers deep frustration with their father.

•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Shark infested waters dream
•Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
•Dogs chasing leopard dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com