dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "warning" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizes the thought or feeling which triggered the dream. Full analyses of these dream feature in the links at the bottom of this page.

- "I was reading through some of my stories that I wrote and they REALLY VALUABLE AD INTERESTING." (Money can be used in a dream much the same as we use the word valuable in real life. The story in the dream may seem totally unrelated but nevertheless relates to any thought which uses the word valuable)

- "I was writing reports and I decided to take A BIT MORE TIME AND EFFORT in writing them." (time is valuable and if you take more time it may result in a dream involving money. Time equates to money ad that is how your mind stores these two symbols)

- "I got back together with my boyfriend but WOULD DO ANYTHING to split with him as I spotted some love bites on him."

- "I have lost my bank card and I need MONEY for tomorrow but I think I have enough cash." (a literal meaning as the dreamer is short of cash)

- "I am expecting a big drop in income an so I will be thrown back into POVERTY." (Again another literal meaning)

- "I know I am going to be fined for cheating my tax returns. I will be thrown back into poverty and PENNY PINCHING." (many cash dreams link to real money problems. The story in the dream may seem totally unrelated to real life but nevertheless it deals with a them which is important in your life)

- "I am a statistician and I believe that I have found a way of predicting the future. At last I have SUCCESS" (money is associated in the mind with success so a successful dream will often feature money)

- "I was thinking about my old college tutors and how they UNDERVALUED ME." (feeling undervalued can be the way in which the mind stores concepts involving value and worth)

- "I have been improving my web designs abilities. I am now feeling more CONFIDENT that I can make a go of it." (money is associated with success and with that it is also associated with confidence and your career. The mind uses such links to store thoughts about success)

- "I am due to go on a journey but I am awaiting a visa." (something associated with a real life transaction. So just a literal meaning even though the story in the dream does not seem related. It just deals with the basic theme of money)

Cash in dreams : Money can have very abstract meanings in dreams but do not forget the more literal meanings. It may be that your dream is linked to some thoughts about your financial problems.

Full list of keywords
If you have had a "Cash" or "Money" dream then we can guess that certain words and phrases are appearing in your thoughts right now. Look at the list below
- "Appreciate" (Money is associated with value and with that its associated with wider concepts such as "Feeling valued" and "Appreciated". So a money dream may be triggered by thoughts like "He does not value me")
- "Valuable" "Not valuable" (Dreams take a step sideways and deal with themes which are similar. Money can link to thoughts involving "Valuable" and "Not valuable" or "Worth doing" or "Not worth doing". How would you use these phrases right now? Did you make such judgements yesterday?)
- "Effort" (Have you ddecided to put in some extra effort? Do you realise how much effort you will have to put in to do something?)
- "Real life financial problems" (Money might just be a literal symbol linking to actual money problems or decisions involving money. Always consider these literal meanings.)
- "Self worth" (People are paid with money because they are "Worth it". Money dreams can link to wider questions and especiallyb the opposite "Lack of self worth".)
- "Abilities" (People are paid according to ability. A "Money" dream may link to thought processes like "I feel so confident - I am able to do it" or "You have got to give him credit he is very able")
- "Dodgy people" "It's always about money"(When money is involved then it can always get nasty. A "Money" dream may link to thought processes like "They are so dodgy" or "It's all about money". So the "Money" dream may simply be a way of expressing such thoughts.)

• Old junk - dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - vets
•Making an extra effort - dream interpretation
•Dream symbols - gave money to boyfriend to get into taxi
•Two tickets for theatre dream
•Dream about picking up half smoked cigarettes
•Stealing a cup dream
•Gambling and winning dream analysis
•Tutor gives money - dream analysis
•Snake chasing me dream
•Dream about a swaying skyscraper
•Saved by boy from shark - dream symbolism
•Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
•Miss plane flight - dream analysis
•Dream about saving money in a supermarket
•Psychological analysis of a dream which was entertainment
• Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
•Chased by wolves dream
•Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
•Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
•Waiting on top of a skyscraper
• Military and christmas day - army take over task
•Your place in history dream
•Death comes to kill me dream
•shopping money and friends dream
•Community centre sewage problem - dream interpretation
•Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
•Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
•A farming cooperative dream
•A nightmare was thought to be a premonition of a really bad day.
•Journal or Diaries being sold
•Bury ex - dream interpretation
•Basic training - dream analysis
•A baby dream and large building
•stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
•The way of the Lord dream
•Chinese people pay money - dream dictionary
•Dream symbols - finding a bed
•A dream with deceased family members
•Dream - a beautiful view
•Demand expenses - dream interpretation
•No anxiety underwater dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com