Using psychology we find that "cheating" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "I am sure my husband has been GIVING SIGNALS to our maid. I do not TRUST him or her."
- "I am thinking a lot about the LIES that I have CAUGHT MY HUSBAND making."
- "I am bored with my husband as he drains me emotionally. But I am PARANOID THAT MY HUSBAND MIGHT CHEAT ON ME"
- "Last night I had a conversation with my boyfriend about another girl. His answers did not make sense and I have my SUSPICIONS about him cheating."
- "I am in an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. All I want is a relationship with a man who RESPECTS me."
- "I wonder if my girlfriend knows I am cheating on her."
- "Last night my boyfriend was having a FLIRTATIOUS conversation with a friend. I cannot help feeling INSECURE about our relationship."
- "I have been thinking up ways to CUT CORNERS in my reports. I might be cheating people out of a proper answer."
- "I have been told off for not APPLYING THE RULES to some people that I like."
Cheating in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "cheating" dream may simply translate into a word like "suspicious" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I have my suspicions about my boyfriend. He is very secretive about his phone messages." Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Understanding dreams is easier than you think since most dreams are linked to the here and now as during the night we transfer thoughts from short term into long term memory banks.
Keywords linked to arrested in dreams
In practice "arrested" in dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to write down quotes which capture your key feelings right now but which also feature the words listed below.
- "Jealousy" (Are you very insecure about your relationship? Did you see your boyfriend/girlfriend checking someone out yesterday?)
- "Flirting" (Did you worry when your boyfriend / girlfriend was flirting with someone yesterday? Were you caught flirting with someone yesterday? Do you wonder if your partner is sending out signals to people you do not trust? If yes then your dream is about you thinking through what to do about this.)
- "Abusive" (Were you humiliated by your partner yesterday? Are you in an abusive relationship? Do you feel that your boyfriend / girlfriend takes you for granted? Does your partner leave you feeling drained emotionally? If so then your dream is about your wish for more respect from your partner.)
- "Suspicious" (Is your boyfriend behaving in a very suspicious way? Is your boyfriend/girlfriend very secretive for no reason?)
- "Trust issues" (Has your boyfriend cheated on you before? If so your dream is about trust issues. Once someone has cheated on you before they are very capable of cheating on you again.)
Dreams use symbols such as "being cheated on" in very sophisticated ways. Try to make associations with the dream symbols and recent thoughts. For instance if you think about one the quotes above such as "abusive" and it makes you think about someone who has "abusive" then that is an association. Then try to think of a longer quote which really sums up how you feel about this such as "My boyfriend is very abusive. He is so mean to me. He humiliates me. He never treats me with respect". Then try to see if any other symbols could link to that thought. Dreams link to very specific thoughts not the vague and generalised meanings often suggested.
Dream symbols - huge snake
Husband cheating dream
Dream - judge,frown and cheating
Boyfriend cheating dream
Husband is being extremely mean
My boyfriend is cheating on me
Cheating in an exam dream
Cheating on boyfriend
girlfriend cheating dream
Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at