dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that REAL "Church" dreams link to the following real feelings

- "I could rekindle a relationship with an ex girlfriend. I cheated on her even though I LOVED HER but we were both young and immature. She was the LOVE OF MY LIFE."

- "I was on the phone to someone about CHURCH BUSINESS last night. He was trying to get me involved in something that I did not want to do."(church was a literal symbol)

- "I have got to BELIEVE IN MYSELF and have the CONFIDENCE to meet people."

- "I have a good job and nice family but still I FEEL EMPTY - I need some SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT."

- "I have rekindled a relationship with an ex. I am looking for a MAN WHO I CAN MARRY." (church wedding)

- "I was talking to a GENUINE football supporter yesterday. He really BELIEVES IN HIS TEAM. He is a TRULY DEVOTED follower"

- "I made a breakthrough with my son. Now everything is HARMONIOUS."

- "I had a serious talk with my girlfriend and ironed out some issues. It stressed me out as I fear that I might lose her." (the love of his life - his destiny)

- "I have been thinking about my friendship with him. He has been VERY IMPORTANT IN MY LIFE but now I want him out of my life."

- "I REALLY BELONG THERE but some people don't want me. It is an IMPORTANT PART OF MY LIFE"

- "I have just gained a promotion but now I have got to prove myself."

- "I have an unhappy relationship and now I feel DISILLUSIONED WITH THE CHURCH."

- "I have come to the conclusion that we have to move because of all the crime in our area. I WANT SOMETHING BETTER IN LIFE."

Dreams can connect things which seem unrelated. Churches are places where we express our deep religious beliefs. But in dreams they can link to any strong beliefs. In particular church dreams may occur the day after you have felt "I really believed that but I was obviously wrong."
Churches in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Church" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I have been thinking about my sons upbringing. I want him to grow up in a healthy environment". In that way your dream picks out one features of churches - the wish to live in a moral and virtuous way.

Church dreams - keywords
In practice church dreams will link to one of the following symbolic meanings. Look through the list and pick the one that seems most relevant in your life right now.
- "Something you really believed" (Studies of real dreams have shown that church dreams have sometimes taken place just after you were convinced that something was true yet it was found to be false. If yes then your church dream represents your total belief in something)
- "Faith/belief" (Have you been thinking about your belief in someone? Were you thinking yesterday about your total faith in something (Anything including an idea or ideology)? If so you have maybe reaffirmed this belief! Or perhaps you have been questioning that belief? Try to think of how you would have used the phrase "I really believed in..." just yesterday. If you can think of something then perhaps your dream links to that thought.
- "Commitment" (Did you reaffirm your commitment to something yesterday? What commitments were you thinking of yesterday? Think of any link to the theme of commitments yesterday or just recently. If you can think of something then your dream maybe linked to that thought or issue. Knowing what the subject matter of a dream is is half the battle. If you can think of something that the dream might be about then look for other links. In practice most dreams will link to key thoughts and emotions such "I should have taught him a truly moral way of living. If I had he might have led abetter life". If you can think of a key thought like this on your mind last night then the dream will probably represent that exact thought. Look for ways in which that thought process is portrayed by the symbols)
- "Morals" (Have you been thinking about morality? If so the church represents thoughts of right versus wrong. Think of ways in which you have been very moral? Have you been trying to provide a good example to someone? If yes then the church dream links to those feelings as they spill over into dreams.)
- "Healthy/unhealthy environment" (When we go to church we try to think about healthy and unhealthy ways to live our lives. So if anything like that has been in your thoughts then the dream probably relates to those exact thoughts. If you were thinking about how healthy and moral a place is then you will be thinking of ways in which you can increase your involvement there. In such a case the dream may capture this type of thought "I have really grown as a person whilst I have worked there." if on the other hand you have realised that a certain place you frequent has a bad influence on your life you maybe thinking of ways to cut off your involvement with the place)
- "Total faith in someone" (Have you had total faith in someone. If so the church represents your belief in them.)
- "Positive feelings and goodness" (In real life we go to church because it helps promote positive feelings and good feelings. So if you get a church dream it may hint that you have just been in a very positive frame of mind.)

The list above tends to link to the most popular symbolic meanings of dreams of churches. In truth the list is almost endless. Many symbolic meanings are very personal. Think of any possible link to churches and anything to do with them. If you had been thinking about religion the day before then surely the dream could link to that. If you had been thinking about someone from church then your dream maybe about that and the church maybe quite incidental to the dream. The dream may simply be about your friend who you meet at church. Look for any connection to churches. For instance, if you were thinking the day before about the similarities between religion and other ideologies the day before then the dream will probably link to that. If you were thinking about the type of people who go to church then the dream will probably link to that exact thought process.

•Car crash premonitions
•Explosion dream
•Sex with man I know - dream interpretation
•Favourite Aunt dream and church
•Stepping inside a cathedral and healing - dream dictionary meanings
•Groom is not at wedding - dream interpretation
•Singing of football songs - dream interpretation
•Trombone dream
•Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
•Huge monument dream
•A feeling of belonging - dream interpretation
•Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
•Church basement dream dictionary
•Moving dream
•No groom at wedding - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - cannot recognize members of church
•Mum and Dad dream
•Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•Bible verses dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com