Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Clean" dreams linked to these feelings(each quote is a summary of the feelings that triggered the dream). Links to full dream analyses are placed at the bottom of this page.
- "I am trying to IMPROVE the life of an illiterate man by teaching him to read." (dreams link to things we associate with the symbol so "clean" in this case represents good things and things which improve our lives)
- "Me and my sister are both going through a relationship break up so we are TRYING TO MAKE OUR LIVES BETTER together." (Clean again linking with things which make our life better.)
- "I am constantly been annoyed by my boyfriend who has really bad habits. I am just having to settle for something I don't like rather than something that I want" (Clean maybe our way of referring to bad habits and things which are bad. It's the dreams way of saying we want a cleaner life.)
- "I have been blighted by ill health for years but now things are STARTING TO IMPROVE." (again clean symbolizes improvements in our life. Clean is good and so it represents things which are good in our lives)
- "My friend had an affair with my husband. I am trying to CLEAR MY MIND and get the bad feelings out." (the dreamer was trying to get unclean things out of his mind. The story in the dream may seem unrelated but we associate "clean" with a "clear" mind.)
- "Yesterday I wanted to use my friends computer but he tends to be a bit annoying. I just want to get some GOOD FEELINGS regards him." (dreams can use "cleanliness" with good feelings and in this case a wish for good relationships which make us happy)
- "I am trying to get things CLEAR IN MY HEAD as I have just quit my job."
- "I really want to feel good when I am at my parents but they treat me like a child. They really are annoying."
- "I want to IMPRESS HER but yesterday I did something that I was ashamed of." (The dreamer wished he could"clean up" his act and used a metaphor of "clean" to express this wish to have a better life)
- "I am living in a nursing home and I am trying to MAKE A FRESH START and get a more BALANCED STATE OF MIND." (a wish for a good clean mind maybe expressed by "cleanliness" in the dream)
- "I am trying to express my self in a CLEAR AND METHODICAL WAY. I am trying to put across some ideas at work." ("clean" in the dream symbolizes a wish for a clear mind. Dreams use strange symbols like these as metaphors. That is how the mind stores conceptual thinking)
- "I had a long conversation with my boyfriend and he doesn't seem to want to commit ."
- "I have MADE A BREAKTHROUGH with my son and so now we can MAKE A FRESH START."
Clean in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Cleaning" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I have finally managed to solve the problems at work". In that way your dream is a metaphor for you clearing up problems.
Clean dreams - keywords
In practice cleaning in dreams may have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Your dream will express one of the following so try to see which is the most relevant right now.
- "Think clearly" (If dreams express thoughts then what types of ways may a clean dream be a metaphor for your life. Clean maybe expresses a situation where have cleaned up your thinking, where you are "Thinking more clearly".)
- "Clear up a problem" (Experience has shown with real dreams that cleaning in a dream translates nicely into the phrase "Clearing up a problem". So people who had cleaning dreams had often just cleared up a problem. So we see how the two must be linked. Cleaning may therefore be your minds way of saying "I cleared up that problem")
- "Difficult problem" (Think of dirt as being the minds way of describing a problem.)
- "Good mood" (Are you in a good mood? If so your mind is "Cleansed" of negative thoughts. So a clean dream may be your minds way of symbolising this good "Clean" mood)
- "Less negative" (Dirt may symbolise anything negative and so it could portray negative thoughts. So cleaning up may represent a situation where you have banished negative thinking and you are thinking more positively)
- "Messed up" (Cleaning hints at something needing sorting out. Has someone messed up? Do you fear someone may mess up? Have you got to clean up the mess that someone has created?)
- "Feeling better" (Are you feeling better about something? Dreams are often linked to thoughts and feelings. So a cleaning dream may link to you "Feeling better" and so "Cleansing" yourself of bad feelings and negativity)
- "Calm down" (This site often tries to match up dreams with specific dream meanings. We have matched several "Cleaning" dreams to situations where the dreamer has just managed to "Calm down". Hence we can guess that "Cleaning" dreams can describe a situation where you have "Calmed down")
- "Bad feelings" (Have you been suffering from emotional problems? Are there bad feelings in your life right now? If so a cleaning dream may link to your attempts to solve these problems.)
- "O.c.d." (Are you obsessively clean? Do you know someone who is obsessively clean? If so then cleaning may link to this o.c.d.)
There maybe other meanings to cleaning dreams. Consider also your own opinions and emotions towards cleaning up. Maybe your dream means that you know you have to do some cleaning up and really do not want to. But really dream symbols can link to any association you make with a symbol. It may link to some feeling that you had whilst cleaning yesterday! It may link to your thoughts about cleaners as a whole. Some people may associate cleaners with low status. If you have been thinking about status then maybe that's the meaning of the cleaning in the dream. Many dreams symbols have very personal meanings so do not be restricted to the list supplied here, however long it maybe.
A dream about playing with a baby
Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
Cleaning up blood after doctors appointment
Dream symbols - zombies chasing
Head in hands - dream interpretation
Dirty pond - dream analysis
Psychic dream - mother spring cleaning
Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
Spilling urine - dream dictionary
Cleaning on a farm near a hospital dream
Trombone dream
Psychological study of a scientific dream
Swept away dream
Frozen shark dream
Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
Cave man dream
Crossing a beautiful river dream
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Horse dies dream
Dead bird in my bedroom - dream interpretation
Two dead blood covered bodies - dream interpretation
Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
Demand expenses - dream interpretation
A body in hot water dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at