Using psychology we find that "Cling" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote is a summary of the background information the dreamer gave which triggered the dream.
- "I have just broken up with my boyfriend because it was all getting TOO MUCH FOR ME."
Clinging in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Clinging" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I thought she looked sexy yesterday". In that way your dream picks out one features of clingy - tight and clinging clothes can be very sexy.
Full list of keywords
In practice clinging has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Sexy" (Did the dream have a sexual feel to it? Was a woman's dress clinging to her body in anyway? If so your dream may simply link to sexual arousal on waking? Or you may have been thinking about your attraction for someone? Alternatively, have you been trying to make yourself sexier?)
- "Tendency to crowd someone" (What you do in dreams reveals your emotional state. If someone clings then it may show their dependence on someone. Have you been hanging around someone? Do you not want to appear to needy and desperate to someone you are attracted to?)
- "Appearing needy" (Behaviours and actions in dreams reveal your general state of mind. If you cling onto something it may show that you are quite needy. You feel a need to be reassured. Do you worry that you appear as needy to others?)
- "Extreme fear" (We cling with fear and a dream like this may simply be saying "I was really scared yesterday")
- "Upset" (Did you feel upset yesterday? If so then your clinging dream may simply represent that emotion yesterday)
- "Need reassuring" (If you cling it may show you are feeling nervous and upset and need reassuring. Does this theme appear relevant in any way right now? Did you wish to reassure someone yesterday?)
Here is how to interpret a dream. First look through the list of words and phrases listed here as they are known to link to the symbolic meaning of clinging dreams. Then try to see how these words and phrases might appear in your thoughts. For instance, if you were thinking yesterday last night how "My friend constantly needs reassuring - its becoming a real pain" then clearly the key phrase "Needs reassuring" could be key to understanding the symbolic meaning of clinging in dreams. But we can also guess that the meaning of the dream links to the dreamers feelings about this need for reassurance.
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at