dream analysis study

Clothes in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that clothes in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

- "I want to appear more ..."
- "I have got a really bad image right now"
- "Sending out signals"
- "He makes you believe that he can do it..."

•Poor clothing and poverty - dream symbolism
•Get away with stealing dream
•Baby girl dream
•Dream symbols - zombies chasing
•Heroin dream
•Tornadoes dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - police search
• Dream - Father abuses niece
•Dream interpretation about well made shirt
•Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
•Glowing white celestial clothes - dream analysis
•Paris Hilton drunk dream
•Needing friend - dream analysis
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Girl strips off - dream analysis
•we had sex in his house!
•Odd woman and her husband -dream analysis
•Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
•Dream symbols - surgeon operating on penis
•Ocean, cliff, boat
•Naked dream and people laugh
•Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
•Dream symbols - executed in hospital
•Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
•Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
•Crossing a beautiful river dream
• My boyfriend has died dream
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Suicide by jumping off - dream interpretation
•Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Dream interpretation - hollow tree
•Dream symbols - mansion and Elizibethan ghosts
•Dream - dolphins and lifeguard and beautiful calm sea
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
•Trying on friends clothes dream interpretation
•Bleeding nightmare
•Mum and Dad dream
•Kate Winslet dream in doctors basement - dream interpretation
•Repressed memory
•Dragon eggs dreams
•Harry potter and devil dream
•Dream - casual clothes and party

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com