dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "rape" dreams linked to these feelings

- "I am under a lot of STRESS. I am very UNHAPPY."

- "It has been a long HARD WINTER and yesterday was particularly DIFFICULT ."

- "I am getting a lot of PAIN recently. It seems to be permanent."

- "My husband has left me and I feel EMPTY without him. I feel ALONE AND HELPLESS."

- "I have just been diagnosed with a SERIOUS ILLNESS. My chances of having a relationship are now very low."

- "I saw my neighbours kissing and cuddling and it just reminded me of how ALONE I feel."

- " I am getting VERY DISTRESSED AND UNHAPPY due to my partners family."

- "I believe this dream to be a PREMONITION of world war one. It was a CATASTROPHE for the human race."

- "I believe this was a premonition of my girlfriend cold shouldering me the next day and IGNORING me for months."

- "I cannot find a job and the HARDSHIP is putting stress on my relationship. She says if I cannot find a job soon then she will leave me."

- "I was UPSET when a customer complained about work not been done. This left a BAD ATMOSPHERE."

- "My father just makes me very FRUSTRATED. I tried giving him advice but he just IGNORED it."

- "I am feeling major STRESSES due to looking for as job and dealing with cancer."

- "I am DEPRESSED and unhappy because she has just been gossiping about me."

- "I have just got a new video camera but I cannot get started with it because there is a part missing. I will just have to WAIT."

- "The Thanksgiving meal I am organising for the homeless is NOT PROGRESSING very well."

- "I am feeling DEPRESSED AND LONELY. I am REJECTING HELP when it is given."

- "I am having major PROBLEMS with debt and I am under threat of eviction."

- "I am trying to get out and meet people but I have a tendency to REJECT HELP and end up ISOLATED."

- "I wanted to stay busy and feel positive about the day but instead I have simply WASTED TIME."

- "I am getting FRUSTRATED with my dad who did NOT LISTEN to what I said. He just IGNORED my instructions."

Think of all the wider usages of the word "Cold" such as "He gave me the cold shoulder" or "We are left out in the cold." dreams will use cold weather in this type of metaphorical way
Cold in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Cold" dream may simply translate into the word "Ignore" and the dream capture the thought "He completely ignored me". In that case the dream uses the popular phrase " he gave me the cold shoulder" as a metaphor for someone ignoring the dreamer. In that way a dream which seemed irrelevant and bizarre is shown to capture a thought which pinpointed the dreamers key thoughts the day before.

Full list of keywords linked to cold dreams
In practice cold has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Lack of progress" (The mind generally associates warmth with good things. Cold tends to link to negative things. Cold could be the minds way of describing a lack of progress in some way. Was there a lack of activity yesterday?)
- "Delays" (Was something delayed yesterday? If so the dream could show your feelings and frustrations in response to this delay)
- "Uninspired" (Have you been generally very uninspired recently? Was yesterday very uninspiring? Do you know someone who is particularly uninspired? Just think of the word uninspired and if it features in your thoughts right now then your dream could depict that very thought.)
- "Ignoring" (Has someone given you the "Cold shoulder?")
- "Disliking something" (Does the thought of doing something send you "Cold"?)
- "Not arrived/started"
- "Unwelcoming atmosphere" (Did you visit somewhere where the atmosphere was very unwelcoming and so very cold?)
- "Alone" (Is your world very lonely? If so the cold could depict the world you are living in emotionally)
- "Unhappy" (Cold can link to unhappiness. Has you been very unhappy? Have you noticed someones unhappiness?)
- "Rejected" (Have you just been dumped by someone? Are you wanting to "Cool down" a relationship? Warm hints at strong relationships. Cold suggests problems in relationships.)
- "Nothing happening" (Coldness can depict a lack of something. This includes a situation where nothing is happening generally.)
- "Emotionally cold" (Has someone been very uncaring and unwilling to listen? Have you become very cynical and cold? Do you feel the need to be cold and unemotional about something? If so the dream could depict this cold and unemotional personality?)
- "Cutting someone off" (Did someone "Cut you off" yesterday? If so the dream is about you being "Out in the cold")
- "Dreadful time period" (Have you been thinking about a very cold and unhappy period?)
- "Missing someone" (Are you missing someone? If so the cold symbolises your loneliness?)
- "Unable to do something" (Are you unable to do something nowadays? If so the dream could capture your frustrations as your life is less fulfilled)
- "Cold weather" (Cold in a dream may simply link to cold weather? If it was particularly cold then that's quite possibly the case.)
- "Unsupported" (Is someone emotionally indifferent towards you?)
- "Outcast" (Have you been sent out into the cold? Has someone "Cut you off"?)
- "Unwilling" (Cold can link to all kinds of negative feelings including "Unwillingness")
- "Pointless and ineffective" (Occasionally "Cold" dreams have taken place as the dreamer had felt that their actions had been pointless and ineffective)

•A fearsome wolf dream interpreted
•Defeated army dream
•Cold water - dream symbolism
•Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
•Warm blanket - dream analysis
•Empty house - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - witnessing couple having sex
•Dream symbols - hugging university friends
•Castle dream
•Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
•In wheelchair and cold bath - dream interpreting
•Drowning in car - dream interpretation
•Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
• Gardener and little girl dream
•Dream - skating down highway and primary school
•Police clothes - dream interpretation
•Ocean, cliff, boat
•Dream interpretation - a cold house
•Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
•Dream symbols - bland Thanksgivings meal
•Feeling lost and losing wallet - dream analysis
•Dream - Bomb goes off
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Dream interpretation - moving into a new flat
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Mum and Dad dream
• Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
• Dream chocolate ice cream and ants
•A body in hot water dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com