Using psychology we find that "control" in our dreams database link to the following real feelings (each quote summarises the emotions or thought which triggered a dream)
- "It has been a difficult day but overall I have MANAGED QUITE WELL."
- "I have just started work in a call centre and I am NOT COPING well. I am forced to follow a strict routine which goes against the way I like to do things."
- "I am getting really depressed and LOSING CONTROL. I am losing touch with reality."
- "I have been writing stories of erotica. They are very much sadomasochistic."
- "People have been saying that I am CONTROLLING AND HARASSING her."
- "I got into an ARGUMENT yesterday and it has REALLY GOT TO ME."
- "My boyfriends parents are DOMINEERING and want him to become famous."
- "I have been thinking of MANIPULATIVE ways I can CONTROL the situation at work. I want to get back at them"
- "I am wanting to CONTROL the direction I want my career to take. I am being pressurised to go a certain way but I want to DO WHAT I WANT."
- "I was TRYING TO BE NICE to people at work but one lady was not receptive. I later found out that she was having cancer treatment."
- "I have been pestered by this girl but I am TRYING TO KEEP HER AT A DISTANCE."
- "I have a MILITARISTIC PERSONALITY and like to STAY IN CONTROL of a situation."
- "I am having problems in my marriage and am TRYING TO TAKE CONTROL BACK."
Control in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a dream where you are controlling a snake may translate into the word "Manipulating" and the dream may capture a thought such as "I really tried to manipulate the situation." dreams can seem so irrelevant and bizarre yet once understood they may pinpoint your key feelings from the day before.
Keywords linked to control dreams
In practice control dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Overreacted" (Did you lose control yesterday? Did you perhaps over react and go too far?)
- "Composure" (Did you lose composure yesterday? Maybe losing control in a dream simply mirrors this loss of control from the day before)
- "Petty" (At the heart of a dream where you lose control could be an incident from the day before where you lost control and gave into petty and stupid feelings. Maybe you became highly intense and emotional)
- "Taking control" (Has someone being trying to take charge. Maybe this dream links to some power struggle)
- "Too clever" (Have you been too clever and over confident? Did you think you could control some situation yet things fell apart yesterday)
- "Manipulating " (Being in control may be symbolic of situations where you are trying to manipulate and force through your own opinion.)
- "Influence" (Has someone got too much influence over others? The control in the dream could emphasise this issue of control and influence in real life)
- "Rules" (Do you feel stifled by lots of rules governing how you behave? )
- "Feeling uncomfortable doing something" (If you are in control its often because you are comfortable doing something. Conversely if you lack control its because you feel uncomfortable. Are you having to do something which makes you feel uncomfortable? Are things not coming naturally)
- "Underlying cause of someone behaviour" (Were you thinking about why someone has been acting in a certain way? Have you been trying to justify their bad behaviour? Often such dreams may be linked to illness or stress which is making us behave in ways we would not normally behave in)
- "Feeling comfortable / uncomfortable" (Have you been thinking about your general mood? Do you feel more in control and happier generally?)
- "Distrust" (Control can obviously link to issues where others are controlling you. Perhaps at the heart of your dream is feelings of distrust. Are people making sure you behave in a certain way because they do not like or trust you)
General in charge - dream analysis
Robot drives car dream
A parasite telepathic - dream interpretation
Poison and pest control - dream analysis
Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
Kinky realtor dream
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Snake under control - dream interpretation
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Remote control - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - out of control
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Evil spirit takes over my body dream
First alien dream
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
Learning from others
A nice hot bath
Angry dog dream
No anxiety underwater dream
Embarrassed dream
Torture/running/trapped dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at