Using psychology we find that REAL coyote dreams (in our database) link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "My husband keeps CHEATING on me." (coyotes are predators but they are also scavengers which can be associated with more negative feelings such as cheating)
- "I was thinking about a woman on the internet who was CONSTANTLY LYING AND CHEATING. Her behaviour was HEARTLESS AND UNCARING." (a coyote may trigger any dream about uncaring even if the story in the dream seems totally unrelated. The theme of the dream is uncaring and heartless which is relevant in life and in the dream)
- "I am going back to work after maternity leave and I have been talking to someone who says that the new manager is DEVIOUS AND A LIAR." (coyotes tend to link to negative feelings such as lying whilst lions can be associated with positive feelings such as pride and courage)
Coyotes in dreams : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a dream about a coyote took place after the dreamer had been talking about her boss with her friend. You could translate the dream symbol into the word "Dislike" as the coyote represented the dreamers dislike for her boss and the fact that he was "Dis-likeable".
Full list of keywords
In practice coyotes have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Selfish" (We often associate different animals will certain types of behaviour. Coyotes have not got a good reputation and they are seen as scavengers. They are associated with all kinds of bad behaviour. Try to think of someone who was selfish yesterday. Your coyote dream maybe a symbol for that person)
- "Uncaring" (Did you feel someone was uncaring yesterday? Did you feel pessimistic at the world in general as you witnessed some terrible suffering?)
- "Cheating" (Wayward boyfriends are often portrayed as rats,snakes and coyotes in dreams. These are creatures which prey on others and only care about themselves. Your dream may simply be about your thoughts about your badly behaving boyfriend.)
- "Inability to trust" (You cannot trust a coyote! So your dream maybe a metaphor for someone who is similarly not to be trusted? Your dream may just say "I really do not trust him at the moment")
- "Dislikeable" (Coyotes are not particularly well liked. They are scavengers and they tend to be linked to lying and cheating. In truth coyotes are strong creatures who have to depend on themselves. There is not that much difference between them and lions - who are associated with strength and courage. Yet lions are seen as proud and strong whilst coyotes are seen as thieves and cheaters – they represent a person who you dislike. )
It is a bit of a myth that dreams represent unconscious thoughts - this is a bit of a vague and meaningless term. Dreams will translate into thoughts that we are all too aware of. If we could literally translate dreams then they would capture the types of thoughts that we write down in diaries or tell a friend. Dreams are often in the here and now and will often link to the previous day and new feelings in our intuitions. For instance a dreamer had been thinking about her husbands cheating so a coyote dream seems to be a metaphor for his lying and cheating. The husband, just like the coyote, are not to be trusted.
It is surprising how precise dreams can be in their meanings. Far from being fuzzy and confused they can portray sophisticated feelings and thought processes. One dreamer had a dream about baby coyotes growing up into adults. Many dreams portray recent thoughts and feelings. So simply try to see how a dream taps into your mind set right now. In real life the dreamer had been shocked at a woman's behaviour on the internet. She had talked about her boyfriends child and the mothers attempts to get child support. The dreamer was annoyed by this woman and how she spoke. She thought it was no wonder why children grow up with no respect for anything. So this dream clearly seems to tap into this type of thought. The coyote growing up into an adult deals with a similar theme to children growing up without any respect for others. The coyotes were symbolic of all the bad qualities that bad parents pass onto their children such as lying, cheating, selfishness and a lack of care for anyone. So really the dream actually portrays into this exact thought process - "Bad parents pass on all their worst qualities to their children". The coyote could almost be translated into the words "Selfish and uncaring". This was the dreamers key thought surrounding this incident the day before. This incident was being logged in her long term memory because it had such an affect on her.
Three coyotes walking with me!
Dream - coyotes
Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at