dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that real "Crazy" dreams in our database link to the following real feelings

- "I am behaving in a very PROVOCATIVE AND IRRESPONSIBLE way and if I carry on like this I will be sacked but I don't care because I hate my job."

- "I will soon lose my unemployment payments and I cried last night HYSTERICALLY as I am very UPSET at my plight."

- "My son suffers from ADHD and I have am DRIVEN OUT OF MY MIND looking after him. He is a REAL HANDFUL."

- "We go to massive lengths to dupe our works inspection."

- "We took our dog to the vets to have him put down but they would not do it as they do not put dogs down in this country."

- "My girlfriend had a serious talk with me about - she thinks I DRINK TOO MUCH and overdo things." (CRAZY BEHAVIOUR)

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- "That's just CRAZY - I have to find a new flat now. My roommates are moving out. Its major SURPRISE which I could do without."

- "I have to find a new stable for my horse. That is just REALLY BAD NEWS."

- "I can hear my son crying for help as a I sleep. He SOUNDS VERY DISTURBED."

- "My three brothers have just gone back to college so my father can concentrate all his efforts on me. He is very IMPOSING."

- "I am BEHAVING LIKE A MANIAC doing all sorts of mad things whilst I am on holiday."

- "I sense that something really DISTURBING is going to happen." (the next day the World Trade Centre was destroyed in a terrorist attack)

- "I have been trying to tell my father how ANNOYING AND NASTY my brothers new girlfriend is. She is BAD NEWS." (crazy girl)

Research into crazy in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "crazy" dream may simply translate into the word "wild" as it's an excellent metaphor for craziness. Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.

Key words linked to the symbolism of crazy in dreams?
- "Behaving in a crazy way" (Are you on holiday and have been tempted to behave in a "crazy" way? Did you do something yesterday that you would not normally do? Were you surprised at someone's behaviour as they are not usually so carefree and "crazy"? Did you get drunk the night before? Did you not care if people think you are acting in a irresponsible way?)
- "Trying not to be seen as wild" (Are you trying to show how sensible you are? Are you been examined at work and need to look responsible? Do you feel pressured to act in a more conservative and sensible way? Has someone been very strict with you? Did someone think you were behaving wildly when you believe you were acting rationally?)
- "Warning about someone" (Have you been trying to warn someone about someone who is to be trusted?)
- "Loud and out of control" (Were you woken up by some crazy noise? Have you got a child who suffers from ADHD?)
- "A premonition about something crazy" (Did something happen on the day of the dream that shocked you?)
- "Completely stressed out about something" (Have you got money worries which are stressing you out? Are you out of your mind worrying about something? Is your world out of control?)

Dreams are in the here and now. Many dreams link to thoughts about the day before as you transfer emotions from short term memory into long term memory. Dreams can be premonitions which are also in the here and now as they often come true immediately on the day of the dream. Look through the list of key words and phrases above and try to see if they appear in the types of thoughts that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend over the phone. For instance if you thought about how you are being strictly treated as if you were wild and out of control then that thought is likely to be what has triggered your dream. You maybe angry as if you are being harshly treated. Try then to convert what you see as the cause of the dream into a quote. In this case the quote maybe "I am acting in a responsible way but my father thinks I am wild and out of control". Quotes like this go to the heart of a dreams meaning.

•Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - crying hysterically in car dealership
•A tornado dream on a beach
•Paris Hilton drunk dream
•Girl strips off - dream analysis
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Scream or help - dream analysis
•Little brother dies - dream symbolism
•my son crying in an asylum
•Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
•Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Evil spirit takes over my body dream
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com