dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "decide" dreams linked to these feelings

- "I have started to ACCEPT that I will be spending most of my time alone. I had all sorts of hopes that I would meet lots of new people in my new home."

- "I have become INSPIRED to make a NEW website about my artwork."

- "I posted some political comments on Facebook but it provoked a massive negative response. It was supposed to be a NEW INTEREST but I will not be doing that again."

- "I STARTED posting on a forum to promote my website. I was scared to do this in the first place because they might see it as blatant spamming."

- "I am feeling increasingly suicidal. I just DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF."

- "My marriage has broken down and I am wondering how to REBUILD MY LIFE."

- "I am attracted to my coworker but know that I MUST NOT GET INVOLVED as it would cause too many problems."

- "I bumped into a man I really do not like yesterday. I had to DECIDE HOW TO GET AWAY from him as soon as possible."

- "I have a child who has ADHD and I have to ACCEPT that things are going to be tough."

- "I have COME TO THE CONCLUSION that my relationship is heading nowhere. He does not seem to need me."

- "I have been TRYING TO GET MY THOUGHTS CLEAR about a man that I have liked for 20 years but have not done anything about. I need to COME TO A DECISION."

- "I had a ridiculous argument with my boyfriend."

- "My LIFE IS IN TRANSITION as my marriage has ended. I need to DECIDE what to do about the future."

- "I walked out on my husband and son. It was an EMOTIONAL SHOW to demand some respect."

- "I am DESPERATELY TRYING TO AVOID CONFRONTATION with some developers next door who have been making my life a misery."

- "We had a works inspection and we needed to WORK OUT OUR BEST APPROACH."

- "I had an argument with my boyfriend."

- "I am DETERMINED not to give in to my friend who is always wanting to borrow money - enough is enough."

- "I have decided to end my relationship as I do not feel understood."

Deciding in dreams : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Decision" dream may simply capture your feeling that "I need to be bolder and more forceful at work. I have become known as a pushover" and so the decision in the dream indicates the dreamer needs to be more "Forceful".

Full list of keywords
In practice deciding dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Forced to act" ("Deciding dreams" may hint at certain situations in your life. The root cause of the dream maybe that some situation has got so bad that you need to act immediately. You may have tried to put off a decision in the past but now you have got to act.)
- "Overcome doubts" (A dream where you "Decide" to do something maybe hints at you overcoming doubts.)
- "Overcome phobia" (Dreams where you "Decide" to do something maybe linked to people with phobias. In such a case they might build up their courage and at that point they confront their phobia)
- "A new determination" (Did you wake up feeling determined and bold. Did you wish to get on with some task? In such cases that energy spills over into a dream as this new enthusiasm finds an outlet in sleep)
- "A decision maybe taken out of your hands" (Do you have to act now or a decision will be taken out of your hands? Have things got so bad that you need to act now or any action will be pointless? Can you think of anything that is really getting out of hand? If yes then your decision dream maybe about that need to confront this issue)
this website has systematically researched dreams and found that "Deciding" dreams will link to words such as "Bold", "Assertive" and "Doubts." try to think how these words appear in your thought processes. Try to concentrate on the various ways you can use these words such as "I need to be more assertive" or "I was surprised how assertive he was". Its likely that your dream will link to some way in which you use these words to describe some everyday thought. - "Bold" (Bold people make decisions and those who delay do not)
- "Being more assertive" (Do you tend to be very passive and often get pushed around? Do you realise that you need to be more assertive?)
"Overcome addiction" (If you make a conscious effort to stop smoking in real life then you may end up with a very decisive dream where you are acting boldly. )

Now try to see how words in this list feature in your thoughts. Think of the things that you write down in a diary or tell a friend. Its likely that dreams translate into conscious thoughts that you are all too aware of - nowadays not many people believe in the unconscious mind. If any of the thoughts that you have seem to feature words on the list then its likely that the dream could link to that thought - it may even portray that exact thought process. So if you have been feeling that "If I do not act my supervisor will step in and make the decision for me " then the decision in the dream links to the dreamers need to "Bold" and "Act decisively".

• Old junk - dream interpretation
•Dream inspired by art
•War zone dream
•Get away with stealing dream
•Cliff edge dream
• Sleepover with best friend dream
• Dream - kiss coworker and bathtub massage
•Vampire and accused dream
•A tornado dream on a beach
•Tidal wave dream interpretation
•Swimming pool dream
•Sucking co-workers breasts dream
•Earthquake Dream
•Sleepover with friend - dream analysis
•Giving a baby up for adoption dream
•Fighting crabs dream
•Dream symbolism - gang rape
•Paris Hilton drunk dream
•Niece drowned dream
•Pick pockets - dream analysis
•Mermaid - dream analysis
•Eating crocodile - dream analysis
•A dream about a not being picked
•Huge house with TV - dream analysis
•Vampire dream
•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
•Dream - skating down highway and primary school
•Scream or help - dream analysis
•Little brother dies - dream symbolism
•my son crying in an asylum
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
•Remote control - dream interpretation
•Highwayman dream interpretation
•Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
•Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
•Folding blankets - dream symbolism
•Chased by a shark dream
•Dream - exploring building
•Dream interpretation - moving into a new flat
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Journal or Diaries being sold
•A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
•Forest dies dream
•Murder a stranger dream
•Engagement ring missing - dream interpretation
•Hairdresser - dream interpretation
•Dream - new route not so steep
•Poison a Rottweiler dog
•Commit suicide dream
•Car Explosion dream
•Dream with a cute guy
•Dilapidated house dream
•Dream - true passionate love and dog
•Dream interpretation - Eldorado
•A dream with deceased family members
•Dragon eggs dreams
•Harry potter and devil dream
•Betrayed and disappointed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com