Designer clothes in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that designer clothes in practice captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.
Designer clothes dreams
- "Trying to impress" (If someone is well dressed then we associate this with words such as "Impressive" and "Successful" because well dressed people are usually more impressive and successful. This connection is obvious. Your dream will probably link to some way in which this word "Impressive" features in a key pivotal thought such as "I want to impress," "I really impressed them yesterday" or even more complex meanings such as "How should I go about impressing her". )
- "Serious" versus "Casual"(Many dreams are related to assessments that we make about ourselves and what is happening to us. A designer clothes dream could link to assessments based upon questions like "How serious am I about this job" or its opposite "Am I being too casual." )
- "Important" (We associate designer clothes with the word "Important." "Important" people are well dressed. If you dress well it shows how important you feel something is. It proves that you are trying)
- "Respect" (If someone is well dressed it can show that you are respectful of something. We dress up for a funeral to show respect. We dress well to gain the respect of other people.)
Dream symbols can have sophisticated meanings. Try to think how the basic themes mentioned here feature in your thoughts in any way. A designer clothes dream could link to "Taking something seriously" but it also links up to the opposite meanings "Taking things casually". That's because a thought process like "He needs to take things more seriously" is just another way of saying "He is too casual about it".
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