Using psychology we find that "desperate" dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I am CONSTANTLY TROUBLED by fights with my father."
- "My life is blighted by HEALTH PROBLEMS."
- "I am DESPERATE to recover my HEALTH AND VITALITY. But that seems a long way away."
- "I am VERY SICK and in hospital."
- "She fell over yesterday and was SCREAMING IN PAIN. It was a SHOCKING SIGHT."
- "Last night I was thinking about how my HEALTH WAS SPIRALLING OUT OF CONTROL."
- "I am LACKING IN CONFIDENCE and judge myself harshly ."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of A BAD DAY TO COME which OVERWHELMED ME."
- "I was trying to wind her up but I was the one who was left in a TERRIBLE MOOD."
- "I SUFFERING FROM ANXIETY Because I have been falsely accused of something."
- "I am DESPERATELY UPSET to find that my ex has a new girlfriend and is blissfully happy."
- "I am TRYING SO HARD to find a job and hate the fact that people lie so blatantly on application forms."
Desperation in dreams : Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a feeling of desperation in a dream may simply capture your feeling that "I was very complacent yesterday. I did not realise how difficult it would be" and so the desperation may translate into the words "Difficult" as a feeling of desperation in a dream may mean that you have found something very difficult the previous day.
Why are these key words linked to this symbol?
- "Difficult" (We only feel desperate if we find something difficult. Think of anything that has just tested you and it could have triggered the dream)
- "Trying but failing" (Desperation often involves situations where we put in 100 percent effort but still are struggling)
- "Lacking confidence" (Sometimes we are beaten before we even start if we lack confident to take on a challenge)
- "Accused" (If you are accused - especially falsely accused then this can make you feel desperate)
- "Determination to overcome" (The more you are determined the more desperate you feel if you fail)
- "Battling" (What have you been battling against)
- "Overcome illness" (Ill health especially makes you desperate. Are you battling against a difficult illness such as arthritis or cancer)
- "Struggling" (Struggling is an associated word. People who are struggling are also desperate )
- "Complacent" (An unusual word in the list. But if you have suddenly realised that something was harder than thought then it may link to a temporary feeling of desperation. So if you were very complacent about something yesterday then desperation in a dream may point to that realisation that you had been complacent)
- "Panic" (Panic is associated with desperation. Did you panic yesterday?)
Now try to see how words in this list feature in your thoughts. Think of the things that you write down in a diary or tell a friend. Its likely that dreams translate into conscious thoughts that you are all too aware of - nowadays not many people believe in the unconscious mind. If any of the thoughts that you have seem to feature words on the list then its likely that the dream could link to that thought - it may even portray that exact thought process. So if you have been feeling that "This project has been a major struggle" then obviously the desperation in the dream will have recognised the extent of this struggle.
Dream interpretation - fighting in kayak
Head in hands - dream interpretation
Place on plane
Fighting crabs dream
Crying out for help dream
Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
Drunk or drugged - dream analysis
Dream symbols - deluge
Snake under control - dream interpretation
Endless marching dream
My ex with a celebrity - dream analysis
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at