Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Determined" dreams linked to these feelings(each quote is a summary of the feelings that triggered the dream)
- "I have just quit my job and I am having some INTENSE FEELINGS right now."
- "I worry that my health problems are making me mentally ill. I am having some STRONG THOUGHTS about the implications of this."
- "I am an actor and a record producer so much of my life involves STRONG FEELINGS. I always put in MAXIMUM EFFORT and KNOW WHAT I WANT."
- "I saw a message on my boyfriends phone from a woman so I was DETERMINED TO END THE RELATIONSHIP."
- "Last night I WANTED to talk to my husband about keeping fit. He reacted very badly so I MADE A DECISION to make a strategic retreat."
Research into being determined in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "determination" dream may simply translate into the word "intense" as it's an excellent metaphor for situations where you have to put in maximum effort. Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.
Key words linked to the symbolism of determined in dreams?
- "Intense" (Was someone really intense yesterday? Did you have to put in a real effort to do something? Are you thinking about how to approach something with real effort tomorrow?)
- "Ending something" (Have you decided that it is the right time to end a relationship? Has someone decided to end a relationship? Are you sick and tired of all the fuss that someone has been causing? Are you sick and tired of all the stress that is linked to something?)
Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
Sexual desires - dream analysis
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Learning from others
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at