Using psychology we find that "dirty" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I am going to be fined for fiddling my tax returns. I realise how I am going to have to go back to LIVING IN POVERTY."
- "Me and my sister have both got MESSED UP LIVES. We are approaching our new lives together."
- "I am heading towards divorce and about to lose my job. My life is in CHAOS."
- "I had to be nice to my friend who is quite ANNOYING because I wanted to use his computer."
- "I was ANNOYED at the behaviour of my sister in law because she was saying how well and good her two young boys were whilst ignoring my beautiful young girls."
- "I met an old friend and we talked a lot about career choices. I am three months into a job which I DISLIKE ."
- "I am going to have to move. I fear I will end up in some DINGY FLAT which I DON'T LIKE."
- "I am in two minds about moving in with my boyfriend. I don't know if it is the right thing for me."
- "My girlfriend is ILL AT THE MOMENT with strep throat. She will be visiting soon."
- "I am SUFFERING FROM A STOMACH BUG. I must keep things clean"
- "Yesterday I realised just how DISORGANISED I am. I was sorting through some old papers and it was COMPLETE CHAOS."
Dirty in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about "dirty" may simply translate into a word like "unhappy". This is just the way the mind stores thoughts: Clean stands for happy; and dirty stands for unhappy.
Full list of keywords which link to "dirt" dreams
- "Neglecting" Have you been feeling guilty about something you have been neglecting? Have you been run down and therefor unable to do things that require be done?
- "Mistreated" Have you been continually mistreated by someone important in your life? Did you see someone mistreated someone the day before which upset you? If so the dirt in the dream is symbolic of poor treatment.
- "Actual dirt" Did you feel shocked at how dirty somewhere was yesterday? Did someone have a poor personal hygiene yesterday? If so the dirt in your dream is a literal symbol and the dream is about your thoughts about this real dirt you witnessed.
- "Bacteria" Were you worried about catching a bug yesterday? Have you been feeling run down after catching a bug? If so the dream is about your wish for cleanliness.
- "Obsessive compulsive disorder" Have you got Obsessive compulsive disorder and feel the need to constantly clean? Were you annoyed at someone with O.C.D. yesterday
- "Comparing" Were you comparing yourself to someone else yesterday? If so the dream is about you looking at how badly or well you are doing. Therefore the dirt is a symbol for coming out badly.
- "Poor relationship" Have you been thinking about how a relationship is either good or bad? If so then the dream is about you assessing if a relationship is good or bad. Dirt then is a symbol for a poor relationship.
- "Unhappy" Were you thinking about how unhappy you are right now. If so then dirt is a symbol for unhappiness whereas clean is a symbol for good and happy.
- "Moving home" Have you been looking for new accommodation? If so the dream could be about your wish to move into a clean new home.
- "Bad feeling about someone / something" Have you been having a bad feeling about someone? Have some good pure feelings about something been spoilt by someone? Is there something that you have been feeling proud of but which others have not been feeling the same way?
- "Poor standard of living" Are you used to living well but now things will not be so good? Are you unhappy at how poor your standard of living is? If so dirt is a symbol of a poor standard of living.
- "Lack of progress" Have you been finding your progress slow? If so a dirt path dream could symbolise how things are difficult right now.
Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems and thoughts right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance if you have had a "bad feeling about someone" then the meaning of your dream could link to a thought such as "I had a bad feeling about my supervisor. He just treats people like dirt". The various symbols in your dream may not appear to be relevant to such a thought but symbolism is how the mind stores concepts and feelings.
Stealing a cup dream
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Dirty cats - dream analysis
Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
Neglecting dream
A body in hot water dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at